Picture of author.
78+ Works 8,734 Members 82 Reviews

About the Author

Robert Atwan is the series editor of The Best American Essays. He recently edited Divine Inspiration, a volume of world poetry on the Gospels. (Publisher Provided)


Works by Robert Atwan

The Best American Essays of the Century (2000) — Editor & Foreword — 783 copies
The Best American Essays 2007 (2007) — Editor — 471 copies
The Best American Essays 2005 (2005) — Editor; Foreword — 345 copies
The Best American Essays 2003 (2003) — Editor & Foreword — 315 copies
The Best American Essays 2006 (2006) — Editor — 301 copies
The Best American Essays 2004 (2004) — Foreword; Editor — 292 copies
The Best American Essays 2008 (2008) — Foreword; Editor — 290 copies
The Writer's Presence: A Pool of Essays (2000) — Editor, some editions; Editor — 255 copies
The Best American Essays 2001 (2001) — Editor; Foreword — 237 copies
The Best American Essays 2012 (2012) — Editor — 233 copies
The Best American Essays 2009 (2009) — Editor — 233 copies
The Best American Essays 2011 (2011) — Editor — 227 copies
The Best American Essays 2010 (2010) — Editor — 227 copies
The Best American Essays 2002 (2002) — Editor; Foreword — 223 copies
The Best American Essays 2013 (2013) — Editor — 216 copies
The Best American Essays 2000 (2000) — Editor; Foreword — 214 copies
The Best American Essays 1998 (1998) — Editor; Foreword — 192 copies
The Best American Essays 1999 (1999) — Editor — 187 copies
The Best American Essays 1994 (1994) — Editor — 181 copies
The Best American Essays 2014 (2014) — Editor — 167 copies
The Best American Essays 1995 (1995) — Editor — 161 copies
The Best American Essays 1997 (1997) — Editor — 156 copies
The Best American Essays: College Edition (1995) — Editor — 147 copies
The Best American Essays 1991 (1991) — Editor — 144 copies
The Best American Essays 1992 (1992) — Editor — 138 copies
The Best American Essays 2016 (2016) — Editor — 138 copies
The Best American Essays 1996 (1996) — Editor — 134 copies
The Best American Essays 2019 (2019) — Series editor — 132 copies
The Best American Essays 2017 (2017) — Editor — 121 copies
The Best American Essays 1993 (1993) — Editor — 121 copies
The Best American Essays 1990 (1990) — Editor — 119 copies
The Best American Essays 1989 (1989) — Editor — 103 copies
The Best American Essays 1988 (1988) — Editor — 98 copies
The Best American Essays 2020 (2020) — Editor — 95 copies
The Best American Essays 1987 (1987) — Editor — 84 copies
The Best American Essays 1986 (1986) — Editor — 70 copies
The Best American Essays 2022 (2022) — Editor — 57 copies
A Dream of Summer: Poems for a Sensuous Season (2004) — Editor — 18 copies
Enjoying Stories (1987) — Editor — 2 copies
The Winchester Reader (1991) 2 copies
Our Times 1 copy
Convergences (2002) 1 copy

Associated Works

Julius Caesar (1623) — Editor, some editions — 12,541 copies


16th century (112) 17th century (54) American (95) American essays (51) American literature (88) Ancient Rome (62) anthology (752) Best American Series (224) British (83) British literature (99) classic (292) classics (368) collection (77) drama (876) Elizabethan (59) English (105) English literature (186) essay (116) essays (2,013) fiction (551) historical fiction (130) history (111) Julius Caesar (92) Kindle (72) literature (353) non-fiction (696) own (66) paperback (66) play (423) plays (529) poetry (193) read (169) Renaissance (55) Rome (116) theatre (306) to-read (393) tragedy (253) unread (90) William Shakespeare (1,018) writing (60)

Common Knowledge



SrMaryLea | 1 other review | Aug 23, 2023 |
English poetry inspired by Bible
SrMaryLea | 1 other review | Aug 23, 2023 |
Didn't read them all, good but many were depressing.
ritaer | 1 other review | Feb 12, 2023 |
The foolish political analysts of the late aughts thought they were on the cusp of a precipitous descent into hell itself. (Whereas it's exactly this moment that is the cusp. No, rather this moment. Actually it's this moment...) In fact, the political briefs on the Iraq war (there are four of them) are all quite good, if at times alarmist(: 'if Bush is enthusiastic about the use of torture, which is in violation of the Geneva conventions, then we can expect his enthusiastic use of nuclear weapons which are not in violation of these conventions...' ) The disguised fiction/prose pieces aren't terrible either, but the mediocre essays outnumber the good, and none of them produce lasting insight.

Instead we have a collage of DFW's worst impulses, which point backward to his despair. It's one thing to 'lament the horrors of the modern age' while recognizing modern bane/boon are dialectical i.e. 'there is also good'. It's another thing to 'lament the horrors of the modern age' as an unsmiling social reactionary. DFW's perspective on our great 'social degeneration' is more or less: 'These are problems that have never existed before and are currently a major threat to the integrity of our society. We could solve all these problems if everyone listened to me.' Ahistorical at best. Which problems merit this alarm? Late 90s 'Political Correctness' scares in The Freedom to Offend, 'Sexual Degeneracy' panics in Afternoon of the Sex Children, Late 90s 'Liberal Idiocy' screeds in Loaded and Dragon Slayers, 'My-philoosphy-and-political-ideas-are-correct-and-everyone-would-agree-with-me-if-they-just-heard-my-argument' in Out From Xanadu, Apocalypse Now, and others.
… (more)
Joe.Olipo | 10 other reviews | Nov 26, 2022 |



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