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Saul Bellow (1915–2005)

Author of Herzog

119+ Works 31,053 Members 390 Reviews 127 Favorited

About the Author

Saul Bellow was born in Lachine, Quebec, Canada on June 10, 1915. He attended the University of Chicago, received a Bachelor's degree in sociology and anthropology from Northwestern University in 1937, and did graduate work at the University of Wisconsin. He taught at several universities including show more the University of Minnesota, Princeton University, the University of Chicago, New York University, and Boston University. His first novel, Dangling Man, was published in 1944. His other works include The Victim, Seize the Day, Henderson the Rain King, Mosby's Memoirs and Other Stories, To Jerusalem and Back: A Personal Account, Him with His Foot in His Mouth and Other Stories, More Die of Heartbreak, and Something to Remember Me By. He received numerous awards including the 1975 Pulitzer Prize for Humboldt's Gift, the 1976 Nobel Prize in Literature, and three National Book Awards for fiction for The Adventures of Augie March in 1954, Herzog in 1964, and Mr. Sammler's Planet in 1970. Also a playwright, he wrote The Last Analysis and three short plays, collectively entitled Under the Weather, which were produced on Broadway in 1966. He died on April 5, 2005. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Saul Bellow - Photograph taken during the Dejan Stojanovic's interview with Saul Bellow at the University of Chicago in the spring of 1992.


Works by Saul Bellow

Herzog (1964) 5,218 copies
The Adventures of Augie March (1953) 3,872 copies
Humboldt's Gift (1973) 3,004 copies
Henderson the Rain King (1958) 2,882 copies
Seize the Day (1956) 2,591 copies
Ravelstein (2000) 1,716 copies
Mr. Sammler's Planet (1970) 1,690 copies
The Dean's December (1982) 1,098 copies
More Die of Heartbreak (1987) 1,085 copies
Dangling Man (1944) 1,007 copies
The Victim (1947) 865 copies
The Actual (1997) 607 copies
A Theft (1989) 584 copies
Collected Stories (2001) 522 copies
The Bellarosa Connection (1989) 304 copies
Great Jewish Short Stories (1963) — Editor — 239 copies
Saul Bellow: Letters (2010) 231 copies
The Portable Saul Bellow (1974) 57 copies
Leaving the Yellow House (2018) 56 copies
Great Modern Short Novels (1966) — Contributor — 41 copies
Seven Contemporary Short Novels [Third Edition] (1997) — Contributor — 40 copies
Seven Contemporary Short Novels [second edition] (1969) — Contributor — 35 copies
The Last Analysis (1936) 31 copies
Editors (2001) 23 copies
A Silver Dish (1979) 18 copies
Dangling Man / The Victim / Seize the Day (1971) — Author — 16 copies
The Noble Savage 1 (1960) — Editor — 14 copies
The Noble Savage 3 (1961) — Editor; Contributor — 5 copies
Un recuerdo que dejo (1993) 4 copies
CONTOS E NOVELAS I (2014) 3 copies
Amozadgan (Cousins) (1990) 3 copies
Cartas (2011) 3 copies
Mozart (1993) 3 copies
Romanzi 3 copies
A Father-to-Be 2 copies
Uma Recordação Minha (2005) 2 copies
Tony Tanner (1965) 2 copies
Nobel lecture (1979) 2 copies
BEL Acusado 1 copy
le opere (1978) 1 copy
Ringen (1989) 1 copy
Heros 1 copy
הפה הגדול (1988) 1 copy
Herzog, tome 2 (1975) — Author — 1 copy
Tout compte fait (1995) 1 copy
2002 1 copy
The Noble Savage 2 — Editor — 1 copy
? 1 copy

Associated Works

The Closing of the American Mind (1987) — Foreword, some editions — 4,373 copies
The Best American Short Stories of the Century (2000) — Contributor — 1,568 copies
Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama (1995) — Translator, some editions — 929 copies
The Best American Essays of the Century (2000) — Contributor — 783 copies
The Oxford Book of American Short Stories (1992) — Contributor — 757 copies
Gimpel the Fool and Other Stories (1953) — Translator, some editions — 639 copies
The World of the Short Story: A 20th Century Collection (1986) — Contributor — 464 copies
Wonderful Town: New York Stories from The New Yorker (2000) — Contributor — 356 copies
The Best of Modern Humor (1983) — Contributor — 291 copies
The Treasury of American Short Stories (1981) — Contributor — 269 copies
The Best American Essays 1998 (1998) — Contributor — 192 copies
Writers at Work 03 (1967) — Interviewee — 146 copies
Granta 41: Biography (1992) — Contributor — 143 copies
The Oxford Book of Jewish Stories (1998) — Contributor — 132 copies
The Schocken Book of Contemporary Jewish Fiction (1992) — Contributor — 125 copies
Granta 10: Travel Writing (1984) — Contributor — 89 copies
The Granta Book of the Family (1995) — Contributor — 88 copies
Neurotica: Jewish Writers on Sex (1999) — Contributor — 86 copies
Stories from The New Yorker, 1950 to 1960 (1958) — Contributor — 80 copies
The Jewish Writer (1998) — Contributor — 53 copies
The Arbor House Treasury of Mystery and Suspense (1981) — Contributor — 52 copies
Art of Fiction (1967) — Contributor — 51 copies
The Good Parts: The Best Erotic Writing in Modern Fiction (2000) — Contributor — 34 copies
The Best American Short Stories 1979 (1979) — Contributor — 25 copies
Studies in Fiction (1965) — Contributor — 22 copies
Best American Plays: 6th Series, 1963-1967 (1971) — Contributor — 20 copies
The Best American Short Stories 1944 (1944) — Contributor — 18 copies
Nobel Writers on Writing (2000) — Contributor — 14 copies
The living novel, a symposium (1957) — Contributor — 14 copies
First Cases 4: The Early Years of Famous Detectives (2002) — Contributor — 14 copies
The Playboy Book of Short Stories (1995) — Contributor — 11 copies
Seize the Day [1986 film] (2003) — Original novel — 7 copies
Twenty-Three Modern Stories (1963) — Contributor — 4 copies
Twelve short novels (1976) — Contributor — 3 copies
The Best American Short Stories 1950 (1950) — Contributor — 3 copies
New World Writing - Number 12 (1957) — Contributor — 2 copies
Pascal Covici, 1888-1964 (1964) — Contributor — 2 copies


1001 (156) 1001 books (174) 20th century (696) 20th century literature (119) America (151) American (745) American fiction (265) American literature (1,202) anthology (615) Bellow (186) Chicago (259) classic (156) classics (206) collection (117) culture (141) education (454) essays (390) fiction (5,020) humor (117) Jewish (310) Jewish literature (123) Library of America (149) literature (1,159) New York (124) Nobel Laureate (118) Nobel Prize (348) non-fiction (446) novel (1,176) own (140) philosophy (318) politics (135) read (234) Roman (148) Saul Bellow (242) short stories (998) stories (120) to-read (1,693) unread (298) USA (349) writing (175)

Common Knowledge

Legal name
Bellows, Solomon
Date of death
Burial location
Morningside Cemetery, Brattleboro, Vermont, USA
Canada (birth)
USA (passport)
Country (for map)
Lachine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Place of death
Brookline, Massachusetts, USA
Places of residence
Chicago, Illinois, USA
University of Chicago [1939]
Northwestern University [1937]
University of Wisconsin
Bellow, Adam (son)
Bellow, Alexandra (wife)
Botsford, Keith (colleague)
Tarcov, Edith (friend)
Howland, Bette (protégée)
U.S. Merchant Marines
Awards and honors
Nobel Prize ( [1976])
PEN/Malamud Award (1989)
National Medal of Arts (1988)
Croix de Chavalier des Arts et Lettres (France)
American Academy of Arts and Letters Academy Award ( [1952])
Man Booker International Prize Finalist (2005) (show all 10)
Jefferson Lecture (1977)
Emerson-Thoreau Medal (1977)
Chicago Literary Hall of Fame (2010)
American Academy of Arts and Letters (Literature ∙ 1958)
Short biography
Saul Bellow est un écrivain et universitaire américain.

Il est né en 1915, à Lachine, une banlieue industrielle de Montréal, le 10 juin 1915. Ses parents ont émigré deux ans auparavant de la Russie du tsar, de Saint-Pétersbourg. Le père de Saul, Abraham Bellow – le « gentilhomme » évoqué dans le roman le plus autobiographique, Herzog –, après avoir fait faillite comme boulanger, exerce plusieurs petits métiers.
Enfant, Saul Bellow grandit dans un quartier miséreux de Montréal, au contact de la communauté juive. Lorsqu'il a neuf ans, la famille Bellow émigre de nouveau et s'installe dans un quartier polonais du West Side de Chicago.
Saul a une enfance rêveuse et solitaire – studieuse aussi, car il est très tôt attiré par les choses de l'esprit. L'influence juive est prépondérante; il suit d'ailleurs un enseignement talmudique.

Étudiant brillant, il fréquente l'université de Chicago, puis la Northwestern University où il étudie l'anthropologie et la sociologie. Jeune écrivain, pour gagner sa vie, il collabore quelque temps à l'Encyclopaedia Britannica tout en enseignant dans un collège de Chicago. Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il sert dans la marine marchande; dès la fin du conflit, il s'installe à New York.

Au confluent de trois cultures - américaine, russe et yiddish -, Saul Bellow se veut un moraliste, un chroniqueur de son siècle et un découvreur d'idées nouvelles. Cet humaniste est peut-être l'écrivain américain qui récapitule le mieux l'expérience des immigrants ou fils d'immigrants à la découverte de leur Amérique, en porte-à-faux dans leur pays et dans leur époque : de cette instabilité, de ce désarroi du moi, il a fait le thème de toute son œuvre, laquelle atteint rapidement une audience internationale et est couronnée du prix Nobel en 1976.



One Book One Chicago Fall 2011 in Chicagoans (August 2011)
The Adventures of Augie March - eromsted in Review Discussions (December 2009)


Huckleberry Finn and this outstanding book are comparable in terms of significance and creative writing abilities. A significant book to appreciate for its exquisite writing.
jwhenderson | 72 other reviews | Mar 27, 2024 |
k6gst | 6 other reviews | Mar 6, 2024 |
I didn’t do this book justice. I listened to it on my walks, and I let my mind wander too often. Herzog’s letters to the living and dead were full of philosophical meandering and worthy of a closer listen. Bellow has a terrific mind. I’d love to discuss his life views over dinner.
jemisonreads | 60 other reviews | Jan 22, 2024 |
Reason read: Reading 1001 TBR takedown, January 2024. Dangling Man was written by Saul Bellow in 1944 and takes the form of a diary. the story centers on the life of an unemployed young man named Joseph, his relationships with his wife and friends, and his frustrations with living in Chicago and waiting to be drafted. This is the author's debut novel and is not his best by a long shot. I do think that a man who is not working and has no motivation is probably a miserable man and this man is miserable and is set on making everyone around him miserable even the reader of the book. Little plot otherwise. I rate it 2 stars.… (more)
Kristelh | 12 other reviews | Jan 8, 2024 |


AP Lit (1)
1940s (1)
1960s (1)
My TBR (3)
1970s (1)
1950s (2)


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