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Christopher Hitchens (1949–2011)

Author of God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything

78+ Works 26,791 Members 591 Reviews 149 Favorited

About the Author

Christopher Hitchens was born in Portsmouth, England on April 13, 1949. He was a contributing editor to Vanity Fair and wrote for numerous other publications throughout his lifetime. He was the author of numerous books including No One Left to Lie To, For the Sake of Argument, Prepared for the show more Worst, God Is Not Great, Hitch-22: A Memoir, and Arguably. He died due to complication from esophageal cancer on December 15, 2011 at the age of 62. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
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Works by Christopher Hitchens

Hitch-22 (2010) 2,231 copies
Mortality (2012) 1,615 copies
Letters to a Young Contrarian (2001) 1,363 copies
Why Orwell Matters (2002) 1,179 copies
The Trial of Henry Kissinger (2001) 877 copies
And Yet...: Essays (2015) 430 copies
The Best American Essays 2010 (2010) — Editor — 227 copies
Hitchens vs. Blair (2011) 82 copies
The Enemy (Kindle Single) (2011) 75 copies
A hitch in time (2024) 21 copies
Struggle of the Kurds (1992) 3 copies
Does God Exist? (2009) 3 copies

Associated Works

The House of the Spirits (1982) — Introduction, some editions — 14,011 copies
Our Man in Havana (1958) — Preface, some editions — 5,385 copies
Infidel (2007) — Foreword, some editions — 4,594 copies
Brave New World & Brave New World Revisited (1932) — Foreword, some editions — 4,452 copies
Scoop (1938) — Introduction, some editions — 3,832 copies
Animal Farm / 1984 (2003) — Introduction, some editions — 3,615 copies
Stamboul Train (1932) — Introduction, some editions — 1,876 copies
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon: A Journey through Yugoslavia (1941) — Introduction, some editions — 1,709 copies
The Mating Season (1949) — Introduction, some editions — 1,639 copies
Safe Area Goražde: The War in Eastern Bosnia 1992-1995 (2000) — Introduction, some editions — 1,078 copies
The Three Hostages (1924) — Introduction, some editions — 565 copies
Everyday Drinking: The Distilled Kingsley Amis (1983) — Introduction, some editions — 445 copies
Diaries (2009) — Introduction, some editions — 254 copies
The Best American Essays 2011 (2011) — Contributor — 227 copies
The Best American Essays 2002 (2002) — Contributor — 223 copies
The Best American Travel Writing 2003 (2003) — Contributor — 178 copies
Granta 31: The General (1990) — Contributor — 143 copies
The Best American Essays 1989 (1989) — Contributor — 103 copies
The Best American Travel Writing 2010 (2010) — Contributor — 100 copies
Imagine There's No Heaven: Voices of Secular Humanism (1997) — Contributor — 90 copies
Granta 16: Science (1985) — Contributor — 82 copies
The Best American Magazine Writing 2003 (2003) — Contributor; Contributor — 71 copies
The Best American Magazine Writing 2007 (2007) — Contributor — 61 copies
The Best American Magazine Writing 2008 (2008) — Contributor — 47 copies
The Weekly Standard: A Reader: 1995-2005 (2005) — Contributor — 47 copies
The Best American Political Writing 2004 (2004) — Contributor — 41 copies
The Best American Magazine Writing 2011 (2011) — Contributor — 36 copies
The Best American Magazine Writing 2012 (2012) — Contributor — 34 copies
Why Bosnia? Writings on the Balkan War (1993) — Contributor — 32 copies
The Best of Slate: A 10th Anniversary Anthology (2006) — Contributor — 28 copies
The Best American Political Writing 2009 (2009) — Contributor — 26 copies
The Trial of Henry Kissinger [2002 film] (2008) — Original book — 5 copies
Critical Essays on Oscar Wilde (1991) — Contributor — 2 copies
Hustler Magazine | January 2008 | Volume 34, No. 08 (2008) — Interview — 2 copies
Harper's Magazine 1989 Oct. — Contributor — 1 copy


20th century (449) Africa (182) anthology (240) atheism (1,383) autobiography (436) Balkans (177) biography (871) British (264) British literature (182) Chile (394) Christopher Hitchens (169) Cuba (238) ebook (292) English literature (299) espionage (281) essays (1,223) fiction (3,371) historical fiction (193) history (908) Hitchens (234) humor (580) Islam (424) journalism (373) Kindle (252) Latin America (251) literature (582) magical realism (678) memoir (661) non-fiction (2,539) novel (724) philosophy (811) politics (1,040) read (528) religion (2,021) satire (248) South America (189) to-read (3,060) travel (378) unread (267) Yugoslavia (195)

Common Knowledge



Brilliant and thought-provoking. Not just about his experience with terminal cancer, but about his lifelong beliefs, the difficulties presented to him throughout his adult life by Christians and the media, and the people and philosophers who inspired him. Very rich material. Recommended.
prairiemage | 74 other reviews | May 29, 2024 |
Sickening. I waited until Kissinger died to read this because I don't think I could handle it while I had to share air with this sentient pond scum. Christopher Hitchens is a good writer, which makes the whole experience ten times worse.
adaorhell | 16 other reviews | May 20, 2024 |
Just as I enjoyed reading William Buckley despite our sometimes marked political differences, I enjoyed reading these old essays of Hitchens from the London Review of Books. He is someone who wrote:

Concerning those who declined to criticize the fatwa against Salman Rushdie because of their purported multiculturalism: It is impossible to be sufficiently irritated by such people.

Of the Mormon church's International Genealogical Index: a classical piece of micro-megalomania where the monstrous scale of the effort dwarfs the essential pettiness of the enterprise.

Of antisemitism: A dead giveaway, in distinguishing the obsessive or morbid antisemite from the garden variety, is an inability to stay off the subject.

Concerning Sir Rhodes Boyson's comment that caning had done him no harm: Why do people invariably make this claim; usually before anyone has asked them?
Problems with this collection included:
1. the sometimes eventual numbing pattern of Hitchen's writing that recalled Wolcott Gibbs' famous satire of Time magazine, Backward ran sentences until reeled the mind.

2. pieces about which I knew little – I know who Harold Wilson was, but it was difficult to follow arch comments about the members of his cabinet and their friends and acquaintances.

3. Hitch could, it is said, bang these essays out in a very short time. In some cases, the structure of the essay might have benefited from slightly longer contemplation.
… (more)
markm2315 | 1 other review | Apr 11, 2024 |
I have this book duplicated.
A powerful book. Hitchens is merciless in his critique of religion..although he claims connections with Church of England, Greek Orthodox, and Jewish faiths he merely uses these connections as tools to skewer the various faiths. He writes in a slightly annoying way.....a little too flowery ; a little too many historical or literary allusions which are not explained. Kind of talking down to his audience or assuming a breadth of knowledge that many would probably not possess. Just one instance of this that I recall was Lysenko (The Russian head of the Institute of Genetics and in charge of plant breeding in the Soviet Union under Stalin. He rejected mendelian genetics and consequently set Russian science backwards for a generation....those who opposed him were purged). However, Hitchens merely throws in a sideways reference to Lysenko....so insignificant that I can't relocate it or find it in the index. And frequently the Hitchen's prose is a little too flowery to easily follow. He loves hyperbole....for example: "Joshua's blood-soaked tribesmen"; "two extremely unctuous British Muslims". Sometimes this is quite entertaining and humorous ...sometimes a little tedious. He keeps referring to humans as "mammals". True...and I guess it is a way of keeping us grounded that we don't get carried away with the idea that a high priest is really anything other than a mammal who has come to dominate his patch.
A couple of basic themes: religion is man made, faith provides an excuse for horrific treatment of others who don't share the same faith/beliefs....and "religion comes from the period of human history where nobody......had the slightest idea what was going on".
There is a welter of detail here. Thousands of miniature case studies of the way in which religion is inconsistent, has lead to bad outcomes and in Hitchen's terms: "has poisoned everything".
On balance, a powerful and convincing book. Hard to read it and still have the same respect for any of the religions...though maybe the Cathars deserve some respect for their life style and refusal to recant.
I give it five stars despite Hitchen's somewhat difficult style.
His is certainly a strong voice for reason, logic and evidence based practice as opposed to magic, religion and appeals to "faith".
… (more)
booktsunami | 201 other reviews | Apr 3, 2024 |



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