Real Name
About My Library
Lots of early Stephen King, lots of existentialist Camus, lots of uber-gay. Currently am starting the "Time Critics Lev Grossman and Richard Lacayo 100 Best English-Language Novels From 1923 - Present" so I'll be adding them as I knock them out.

I HATE that on my author cloud Tim LaHaye shows up so big. I got hooked into those stupid Left Behind books that went on FOREVER. Truly some of the most addictive but poorly written books I've ever read.
About Me
I just started this tonight so my profile I'm sure will change somewhat. I started out putting in the books that I currently owned, then that snowballed into books I've read since college. I'm extremely anal in that if the cover didn't match my book, I scanned mine in. Hey, I'm a freak like that, so sue me.
Phoenix, Arizona