
All collections (2,300), Your library (2,241), no cover (191), MATH (176), COMPUTER (186), LANGUAGE (82), GENEALOGY (57), TRAVEL (44), SCIENCE (406), NATURE (297), CULTURE (408), CRAFT (188), HEALTH (49), LITERATURE (331), audio book (4), e-book (231), Early Reviewer (19), Read 2023 (16), Read 2022 (23), Read 2019 (32), Read 2018 (29), Read 2017 (34), Read 2016 (53), Read 2015 (72), Read 2014 (63), Read 2013 (62), Read 2012 (48), Read 2011 (59), Read 2009 (26), Read but unowned (63)
*FICTION* (360), *CULTURE* (331), *NATURE* (212), (memoir) (210), USA (207), *COMPUTER* (186), *MATH* (176), (history | biography) (172), *EVOLUTION* (146), (history) (145), *CRAFT* (128), (biography) (108), science fiction (86), *LANGUAGE* (82), *GARDENING* (78), *SCIENCE* (77), *BIOLOGY* (73), mystery (61), historical (58), African American (58), *GENEALOGY* (57), crochet (50), *TRAVEL* (44), *FOOD* (44), *PSYCHOLOGY* (43), *MEDICINE* (43), birds (38), (children) (37), *RELIGION* (37), languages (36), programming languages (35), East Asia (31), *ART* (28), *ARCHITECTURE* (27), garden (25), games | puzzles (25), Europe (24), travel guide (24), Christianity (24), *ECONOMICS* (24), nature | science (23), quilting (23), atlas (22), *POLITICS* (21), climate (19), Middle East (19), butterflies (19), *PHYSICS* (19), nature (17), trees (17), complexity (17), fantasy (16), Africa (16), South Asia (16), origami (16), home habitat (15), *GENETICS* (15), religion | science (15), cognition (15), vegan (15), regional history (13), (education) (13), ecology (13), *LITERATURE* (13), artificial life (13), (fiction) (12), interior design (12), measurement (12), botany (12), family history (12), origin of life (12), insects (12), Judaism (11), Native American (11), intelligent design (11), color (11), program design (11), ants (11), (graphic) (11), cities (10), urban design (10), cryptography (10), algorithms (10), geometry (10), vegetarian (10), Civil War (10), crime (10), research (9), language evolution (9), artificial intelligence (9), management (9), evo-devo (9), bees (9), primates (9), dystopia (9), family tree (9), anatomy (9), algorithmic art (9), nutrition (9), *MUSIC* (9), words (9), ecological design (8), exploration (8), *TAMU* (8), immigration (8), vegetables (8), *AGRICULTURE* (8), (overview) (8), food (8), poverty (8), computation (8), dinosaurs (8), DNA (8), criminal justice (7), religion (7), cosmology (7), numeracy (7), game theory (7), permaculture (7), animals (7), moss (7), symbols (7), agriculture (7), regional records (7), fractals (7), death (7), human genetics (7), regional trees (7), forest gardening (7), ancient scripts (6), (crosscultural) (6), home repair (6), fungi (6), relativity (6), emergence (6), weeds (6), religion | neurology (6), Indian cooking (5), exercise (5), biochemistry (5), string theory (5), human evolution (5), medical (5), Amish (5), calculus (5), *HEALTH* (5), textiles (5), bread (5), symmetry (5), electronics (5), linear algebra (5), paleontology (4), mammal evolution (4), disability (4), chaos (4), gmo (4), data presentation (4), Central America (4), citizen science (4), geology (4), instruments (4), altruism (4), linguistics (4), native plants (4), grasses (4), sports (4), sustainability (4), ferns (4), fruits (4), turtles (4), knots (4), octopus (4), ***missing*** (3), number theory (3), plant evolution (3), GIS (3), gender (3), enneagram (3), environment (3), Arctic (3), caterpillars (3), coloring (3), nature journaling (3), United Nations (3), tigers (3), Islam (3), design patterns (3), wildflowers (3), Oceania (3), knitting (3), invented languages (2), Hinduism (2), weaving (2), insect evolution (2), education (2), crabs (2), cats (2), (survey) (2), formulas (2), microbe (2), South America (2), information theory (2), development (2), organic (2), violence (2), lichens (2), rushes (2), sedges (2), time (2), Southeast Asia (2), algebra (2), whales (2), liverworts (2), earthworms (2), Caribbean (2), herbs (2), photography (2), compost (2), astronomy (2), tofu (2), probability (2), racial justice (2), moths (1), spiders (1), fashion (1), elephants (1), rats (1), eels (1), dolphins (1), metamorphosis (1), wolves (1), mushrooms (1), soil (1), microbiology (1), group theory (1), animal (1), pterosaurs (1), fish (1), trigonometry (1), epigenetics (1), bears (1), paper planes (1), snowflakes (1), jellyfish (1), asparagus (1), pawpaw (1), salads (1), Antarctic (1), differential equations (1), lions (1), seeds (1), butterfly evolution (1), gene editing (1), garlic (1), lobsters (1), Asia (1), *PHILOSOPHY* (1)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Aug 31, 2007
About My Library
The books in my library are all books that I own. I may or may not have read them. I consider my books to be "reference". I don't include books that I have read but don't own because either (a) I read them years ago before I got into the book buying habit and my recall is sparse, or (b) I read them more recently for mental escape (e.g. mysteries) but didn't care enough to keep or record them.

I am gradually going through my library to make sure data is accurate, combining/separating/disambiguating authors and works as I encounter issues, researching and entering Common Knowledge. This is an extremely slow process because I can attend to it only occasionally. If you happen to notice an error (or have a question about a decision I've made), please let me know. I will be happy to correct typos or explain decisions, I welcome discussion about standards for data entry, and I am interested in learning how my individual data affects group data.
About Me
Lancaster PA
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