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Mar 7, 2008
About Me

Author, composer and musician.
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The 14 books that have impressed me most so far, in no particular order and only 1 book per author allowed for:

Franz Kafka - Amerika
Fjodor Dostoiewsky - The Brothers Karamazow
Philip K. Dick - Martian Time-slip
Ferdinand Bordewijk - Blokken
John Steinbeck - The Grapes of Wrath
Siegfried Lenz - Exerzierplatz
Stanislaw Lem - Solaris
William Golding - Darkness Visible
Vilhelm Moberg - Utvandrarna
Gene Wolfe - The Shadow of the Torturer
Alexandr Solzhenitsyn - One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Eyvind Johnson: Nu var det 1914
Joseph Roth: Radetzky Marsch
Heinrich Böll: Haus ohne Hüter

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