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Feb 17, 2010
Real Name
About My Library
I bought a Kindle almost 2 years ago and have been accumulating titles since then. Mostly the classics that I did not read in school and interesting reads from all over the world. As I was searching I found the freebies at Amazon and Project Gutenberg. Now, through my friends at LT, I have new sources for my addiction. Munseys, ManyBooks and feedbooks, just to name a few. My tbr pile has grown into a looming mountain. Thankfully, most are electronic. But again, thanks to LT, I discovered BookMooch and Paperback Swap so my physical tbr pile is growing as well. Now, if I could just get off of LT and read! ;-)

At this point I have added and tagged as “kindle” about 1/2 of what I have accumulated. My goal is to be able to catalog this mass of titles so that I can keep just those I am currently reading on my 1st gen kindle and easily find them.

About Me
I am officially a Crone. This is the end of my 50th year. And what a long, strange journey these 50 years have been… I plan to live my 51st year on this planet with a song in my heart, a book in my hands and with the desire to keep my love alive.

"Ever since I was a baby girl
Wanted one thing most in this world
It was to keep my love, keep my love alive"

Excerpt from: Love Alive by - Heart

I think life's too short for all this sorrow
We might be here today, gone tomorrow
I might as well just get what I want
I wanna live, I wanna live

Tell it like it is
Don't be ashamed now let your conscience be your guide

Excerpt from: Tell it Like it Is by - Heart

"On the first part of the journey
I was looking at all the life
There were plants and birds and rocks and things
There was sand and hills and rings
The first thing I met was a fly with a buzz
And the sky with no clouds
The heat was hot and the ground was dry
But the air was full of sound

I've been through the desert on a horse with no name
It felt good to be out of the rain
In the desert you can remember your name
'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain"

Excerpt from: A Horse With No Name by - America

Read every night before I sleep. Would rather read a series than a stand alone.

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