
to-read (1,843), non-fiction (498), historical-fiction (433), few-from-the-mists-of-time-pre1996 (228), audiobooks (212), fantasy (201), you-had-to-be-there (182), biography-memoir (175), book-group-reads (171), 52-countries (161), read-2012 (155), rainbow-book-challenge (148), foolishly-suckd-n-by-glowing-review (144), ending-goes-south (137), lets go to the movies (126), read-2013 (123), young-adult (120), self-satisfied-author-alert (103), razzle-dazzled-by-authorial-bs (98), no-escapism-here-advisory (95), around-the-world (92), before-kindle-pickd-in-desperation (90), history (87), everybody-else-is-reading-it (86), mary-sue-alert (84), read-2011 (83), pretty-pretty-writing (75), read-2010 (73), just-plain-clunky-writing (71), dry-very-dry (68), soak-up-the-atmosphere (68), head-hopping-headache (68), i-am-starting-to-lose-patience (67), art (67), read 2015 (67), improbable-in-any-known-universe (66), read-2004 (66), self-indulgent-author-warning (66), arch-very-arch (64), thin-very-thin (62), heavy-handed-symbolism-pissd-me-off (62), read-2009 (60), unlikeable-to-say-the-least-protago (59), everything-but-the-kitchen-sink (57), read-2003 (56), read 2021 (56), bashed-over-head-by-author (55), finally-read-it (55), it-s-a-mystery (53), unreliable-author (51), read-2002 (50), read-2008 (50), read-2001 (49), read 2019 (49), read-1998 (49), rainbow (48), take-your-prozac-first-dreary (47), read-2006 (47), glad-i-re-read-it (47), read 2017 (47), read-2007 (46), stockholm-syndrome (45), read-1997 (44), read 2018 (44), audio-enhanced-by-narrator (44), puppet-strings-show-too-much (44), read-1999 (43), getting-into-mind-of-other-sex-not (43), read 2016 (42), science-fiction (41), italy (41), serious-pacing-issues (39), what-the-hell-was-this (38), just-pile-on-the-tragedy (38), unreliable-narrator (37), magic-realism (37), read-2005 (36), gettng-into-mind-of-othr-cultur-not (36), frivolous-fun (35), overripe-writing (35), picked-up-because-of-cover-title (35), abandoned-on-a-plane (35), it-s-all-about-the-gimmick (34), hopelessly-out-of-depth-advisory (34), hobby-horse-riding (34), japan (34), not-my-cup-of-tea (33), off-with-their-heads (32), read 2020 (32), to read (32), read 2022 (31), tiresome-gratuitous-sex-advisory (31), emotionl-manipulation-bynd-the-pale (31), trying-too-hard-to-be-clever (31), develpd-healthy-dislike-of-author (29), read-2000 (29), food-glorious-food (28), fallng-n-love-wth-research (27), romance (27), dire-dialogue (25), he-is-a-she (24), not-so-hidden-agenda (24), idiot-heroine-flagging (23), i-give-up-on-this-author (23), set-myself-on-fire-first (23), 2-5 (21), read-1996 (20), disorganized-mess (20), try-again-sometime (19), alphabet-fantasy (19), author-s-tics-tick-me-off (19), 3-5 (19), annoying-hipster-undertone (19), flashes-of-brilliances (19), read 2023 (18), fatal-case-of-the-cutes (18), excrement-prominently-featured-warn (18), around-the-world-2013 (17), imposing-modern-views-on-historical (17), ripped-from-the-headlines (17), china (16), nmah-training (16), preaching-to-the-choir (16), train-wreck (15), gunning-for-persn-who-suggestd-this (15), painfully-earnest (15), flashback-whiplash (15), audio-marred-by-reader (15), sorry-i-re-read-it (14), revenge-memoir (13), disney-villain (13), poetry (11), 2013 (11), gives-chick-lit-a-bad-name (11), sorry-i-read-it-i-m-outdated (11), re-read (10), feel-good-trauma (10), portentous-beyond-endurance (10), sad-decline-of-once-great-author (10), bloated-as-a-tick (10), trying-too-hard-to-shock (10), 4-5 (10), irritating-wasp-problems (10), contrived-beyond-belief (9), written-with-eye-to-screenplay (8), wanted-to-like-it-more (8), read 2014 (8), NMAH book group (8), good-idea-meh-execution (7), subject-gone-awol (7), fakery-by-author (7), read-2014 (7), too-much-time-at-iowa-writers (7), very-sloggy-in-bits (7), let-s-go-to-the-movies (6), creepy-ill-thought-out-ideas (6), manly-men-doing-manly-things (6), anachronisms-ahoy (6), never-saw-it-coming (6), death-by-foreshadowing (6), self-help (6), the trendiness (6), drowning-in-detail (6), crap-world-building (6), serviceable-writing-that-s-all (6), audio-sample-god-awful (5), book group reads (5), saw-it-coming-a-mile-away (5), read 2024 (5), one-note-wonder (5), facile-exploration-of-ideas (5), series-goes-splatt (5), left-cold-by-authorial-brilliance (5), ends-with-a-bang (5), clunk-clunk-narration (5), short stories (4), coincidence-city (4), terrifyingly-quirky (4), vicarious-thrill-from-violence (4), droppd-names-broke-my-toe (4), oh-the-angst-n-drama (4), currently-reading (4), should-have-read-it-before-outdated (3), newbery (3), kindle-sample-god-awful (3), graphic novel (3), 1-5 (3), you had to have been there (3), state challenge (3), skewering-trope-trope (3), too-cool-for-you (3), on-the-nightstand (3), audiobook (3), ends with a splat (2), worthy very worthy (2), read 2020; historical fiction (2), exposition-central (2), Read 2016 (2), what a slog (2), falling-in-love-with-the-passive-vo (2), very-speshul-snowflake (2), calvary-charges-in (2), gives-the-booker-a-bad-name (2), fiction (2), gift (2), present (2), young adult (2), should-have-been-an-expanded-articl (2), dnf (2), picture-books (2), short-stories (2), 5-Feb (1), snarky writer (1), read 2016. non-fiction (1), i give up on this author (1), liked it better (1), TSTL heroine. good concept failed execution (1), woo-woo author (1), pc author (1), liar (1), play (1), ick (1), sloppy research (1), better as non-fiction (1), pretentious (1), towel (1), crashed and burned (1), read-2023 (1), shoulda quit (1), stupid beyond belied (1), in translation (1), audio books (1), woke very woke (1), derivative beyond belief (1), 2014 (1), ugh (1), terribly earnest (1), writing (1), wildly uneven (1), read 2918 (1), rainbow challenge 2018 (1), dont-buy-ebook (1), hippie-dated (1), sophomore slump (1), movie-was-better-than-book (1), misleading-title (1), huge-and-inexcusable-gaps (1), type-face-hurt-my-eyes (1), utterly-bizarre-cover-noted (1), cast-of-thousands (1), utterly-lacking-in-humor (1), opportunism-central (1), enhanced book (1), whispy-whispy-whispy (1), corn-pone-philosophy (1), pa-el-gato (1), tip-toe-thru-the-gr-pc-minefield (1), worshiping-at-altar-of-cormac (1), sub-plots-clutter-up-main-story (1), major-cop-out (1), enhanced ebook (1), pretentious-pulp (1), oh (1), author-creeps-me-out (1), lost-in-a-thicket-of-commas (1), girl-bait (1), anthology (1), stuff-white-readers-like (1), audio-books (1), obvious-expanded-dissertation (1), 5-Apr (1), twilo-knockoff (1), awful people (1), irrelevant-sidetrips-paid-by-publis (1), worshiping-at-altar-of-hemingway (1), tacky-tacky-tacky (1), pants on fire (1), ppretentious (1)
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Nov 9, 2013
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About My Library
These books are mostly from my paper catalogue that I have maintained since 1996, though I add an older book from time to time.
About Me

I was a bookstore buyer for an indie chain that folded under big-box bookstore pressures, but that was long ago. I spent almost twenty years overseas; now I am home to stay--perhaps--in the DC area. Edit: I returned to the UK.

I am a double bolter. First I was on LT, where I found my real world book. I was confused by the interface and wished for an LT app to add books, so I used my GR app and profile for a few years, though I always missed LT's more highly developed search capacities. Now I am back.

I love literary fiction, historical fiction, and history, though I won't say "no" to any genre except true crime and philosophy. I love audio books, too--very much so as I do a great deal of handwork.
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Interesting Library