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Feb 18, 2007
Real Name
Fozia K
About My Library
Constantly expanding - I buy books almost every week; this list is currently incomplete, as 60% of my books are still in storage from the big house move.
About Me
I LOVE BOOKS - sourcing, buying, reading; I'm a little compulsive disordered about books! I feel there are never enough books around me, and they are piled high all over the house! Books were the first thing I realised that meant something to me, and to discover that they were written by ordinary, everyday people slightly scandalised me - well, I was only 6... I love that there are books for everything under the sun; I believe that they are historical documents, and should therefore, be respected as such. I love talking about books. I do not like losing books to uncharitable people, those who devour your books, who borrow but never return... So, I have marked all my hardbacks with my own personalised embossing stamp, and all my paperbacks with bookplates. I will only include books that I own.

I am attempting to write a few myself, as there are soo many stories inside my head.

My favourite bookshop for the last four years is called 'Octagon' ~ sadly, now defunct. Bookcase in Chiswick is fab though! As are Queens's Park Books, and West End Lane Books in West Hampstead.

London, UK
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