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Apr 28, 2011
Real Name
David Withun
About My Library
Topics in which I am especially interested include, but are not limited to:

Western civilization
ritual & liturgy
19th & 20th century philosophy
cultural history
intellectual history
women in history
African history & philosophy
the Renaissance
early Christianity
Eastern religions
About Me
I am an undergraduate student majoring in history with a minor in philosophy at American Military University. My interests include nearly all of the humanities and social sciences, including philosophy, history, religion, literature, and psychology. I am especially interested in intellectual history and the historical development of modern ideas and society. Of particular interest to me are the Great Ideas as enunciated by Mortimer J. Adler. As such, I am an active reader of the Great Books of the Western World series. In addition, I am an Iraq War veteran, with two combat tours and eight years total of military service in the United States Army. I am also an Eastern Orthodox Christian who tries to remain actively engaged in the life of the Church. I currently reside in Augusta, Georgia, with my wonderful wife and two young children. My wife and I homeschool our children, a son and a daughter, in a Classical Education curriculum.
Fort Gordon
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