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Mar 25, 2008
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About My Library
My favorite genres right now are chick lit (especially British chick lit) and WW-II era historical fiction. I also like non-fiction - particularly American Revolutionary war history, and British social history 1930-1960. But, I'll read almost anything if it sounds interesting. :)

I take good care of my books and try not to crack a spine or turn a corner down. Because as my grandma always told me, books are our friends! :) LOL!
About Me
I'm a classic bookworm - I'd much rather read a book than watch TV or a movie.

I'm a huge Anglophile. I've been to London 3 times, but can't wait to visit the rest of the UK. I'm always looking for British novels that you can't buy in the US.

I've been happily married for more than 20 years, and we have 3 wonderful sons.

I'm also a lead technical writer/editor for a safety and critical control systems company.
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
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Bookstores: Powell's City of Books (Portland)

Libraries: Mission Viejo Library, Orange County Public Library - Foothill Ranch Library, Orange County Public Library - Rancho Santa Margarita Library

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