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Aug 31, 2006
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About My Library
I keep thinking I'm "done" cataloging my books here. After so many years, you'd think I'd have gotten there, but it's a process. Only about 500 more to go, I think, but then again there might be another stack in a forgotten corner. In terms of personality, my library is pretty varied, but it does seem to be mostly fiction, which is more a matter of habit than any antipathy toward true stories. The books have pretty much taken over the house because the book room is quite full. Someday I will get them organized. At the moment, I know where most of my fantasy and science fiction books are, I have coherent sections for pre-twentieth century classics, Irish literature, and global myth and folktales, but the other genre sections have mutated and sprawled to the point that one never really knows what one will find on a given shelf (or floor-stack). What can I say? My library is an adventure.
About Me
In this good company, it's easy to say that I love books. That's the obvious point. But the fact is that if I won the lottery tomorrow, the first thing I would do is go straight to the nearest bookstore and, for the first time in my life, buy everything I want. After I returned the rental truck used to haul my lottery-money-paid-for books home, I would buy a bigger house (for my books), perhaps a hybrid car (for use in traveling long distances to seek out more books), and many, many more bookshelves.
The work of my life is reading (I have an M.A. in literature, an M.F.A. in children's literature, and I teach English, writing, and mythology--as an adjunct--at two colleges), though I do not consider myself well-read enough (can one ever be?). Reading is joyful work--it's nice to love my job. I also enjoy sitting, eating, and sleeping, and can occasionally be convinced to put my book down long enough to watch a movie, play a videogame, or even go outside to play tennis.
My favorite books are those novels that pull you in so completely that finishing them is like waking from a dream; upon emerging you find yourself surprised that the surrounding world has not changed while you were away.
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