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Oct 4, 2008
Real Name
About My Library
Books to the ceiling,
Books to the sky,
My pile of books is a mile high.
How I love them! How I need them!
I'll have a long beard by the time I read them.
-Arnold Lobel

My library contains all the books I have read and still own, and all the books I am currently reading.

Additionally, if I have borrowed a book from somebody or the public library, they will appear here.

I tend to have borderline bibliophily, so I do enjoy collecting books, even if the subject matter doesn't interest me. I'll read them all anyway, because that's what a good bibliophile does.

I dole out stars depending on how many relative utils a book provides me. 5 stars is equivalent to 2 relative utils; 4 stars is equivalent to 1 relative util; 3 stars is equivalent to 0 relative utils; 2 stars is equivalent to -1 relative util; and 1 star is equivalent to -2 relative utils. Half stars would naturally fall somewhere between the two (and a single half star is a truly horrid book for me).

Here it is in more humorous terms:

0.0 - I haven't read it, or haven't gotten around to rating it.
0.5 - I wouldn't wish this book on my worst enemy.
1.0 - I pray to the powers that be for an acute case of alexia.
1.5 - I would wish this book on my worst enemy, if the Geneva Convention allows.
2.0 - The Half Price Books employees are on a first-name basis with me.
2.5 - Can I have my time back, plz?
3.0 - Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
3.5 - This book was definitely worth reading.
4.0 - This is a good book.
4.5 - This is a pretty danged good book.
5.0 - This is (one of the) the best book(s) I've ever read!

To see what books I've read, click here.
About Me
I do so love cataloging my books. I'm also an avid reader and an author of mostly short fiction. I don't blame you if you've never heard of me.

In my free time, I design accounting and insurance software, and spend time with my wife, daughter and a noisy house cat, fixing up our shabby old house. Prior to that, I reverse-engineered ancient ECM tools and drove the migration of billions of documents from them to a more modern one. Before that, I helped send people, robots, and spiders into space, and get back again. And before that, I was designing a system to do bioinformatic data visualization and phylogenetic tree reconstruction in zebrafish. I also know how to operate platter-based 35mm film projectors.

You can check out my latest project, The Internet Literary Character Database: I also edit a speculative fiction magazine written (almost) entirely by AI:
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Bookstores: Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Baybrook, Borders - Baybrook, Half Price Books - Clear Lake

Libraries: Bainbridge Library (Geauga County Public Library), Harris County Public Library - Clear Lake City-County Freeman Branch

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