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Nov 3, 2007
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About My Library
I read very widely, primarily science, history, philosophy and any of their combined permutations - history of science, philosophy of science, history of philosophy - get it?

Anyway, I'm a little paranoid about spouting off on ideas that I have because I no longer remember if they are mine or those of someone whom I have read. Therefore, I want to keep track of what I have read so that I can give credit where credit is due. Also I reaching the stage in life where I can't remember if I have read books before. LibraryThing is like uploading a little bit of my memories and myself into the ether.

The books in my library are those which I have actually read (or listented to). I have several hundred more waiting for their turn.

I also listen to a lot of audio books. I listen to them while I am working out, because working out is very dull. If it wasn't for the audio books and the beautiful women at the gym I would go crazy with boredom. I find it interesting that I do not like to listen to fiction while working out. History, Biography or other popular non-fiction are the best.

About Me
There is no question that I am a book geek. I can usually be seen reading in public at the Falafel Place in Winnipeg.

In December 2009 and May 2010 I had hip replacements done. I can walk and ride my bike again. No more hockey though.

I have spent my entire career as a Forensic Scientist, but, you know, that doesn't define me. I am retiring as of June 2015 so I will have more time to read and, perhaps, write.

Enough about me, why aren't you reading...

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Interesting Library