Real Name
Robyn Reo
About Me
I am a self confessed bunk junkie and hoarder of books. My love of reading began many, many years ago when I cracked open my first fiction book when I was still a young girl. Fast forward thirty plus years later, my addiction to reading has not changed. I love being immersed in a story/fantasy where I can fall in love with the characters of a book. My keeper shelf is overflowing with all of the great treasures I have found during my reading journey.

I love to share my thoughts on books on my blog, Sinfully Wicked Book Reviews. I do tend to read and blog about books across multiple genres. However, the majority of books I read fall into the YA, Thriller, Romance, Women’s Fiction, Historical Fiction,Dystopian, Chic-Lit, and Sci-Fi categories.

If you would like to reach out to me for any reason please send me an email:

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