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May 30, 2013
Real Name
Menno Works (the library of Madison Mennonite Church)
About My Library
Menno Works Anabaptist Library & Resource Center of Wisconsin

Menno Works seeks to be a visible peace presence and a Mennonite Anabaptist library and resource center for the city of Madison and the surrounding region.

Menno Works will cultivate and support study space, activities, materials, writings and relationships dedicated to peace theology, nonviolence, social justice, and Mennonite and Anabaptist history and faith. Menno Works seeks to encourage children and adults to develop and practice peaceful living. Menno Works offers an opportunity to explore faith discipleship in our world today from a Mennonite and Anabaptist perspective, building on the foundation of Jesus Christ.
About Me
Madison Mennonite Church gathers on Sunday evenings - Christian Education at 5:00pm most Sundays (except July and some special occasions) and Worship at 6:00pm every Sunday. We usually share a potluck meal following worship.

We are a church in the Madison, WI area coming together through different experiences of the love, forgiveness and peace of God in Christ Jesus. Believing God draws us into fellowship, we accept and practice the disciplines of love and together seek God's will. Drawing upon the Anabaptist-Mennonite faith heritage, we refuse violence and seek ways to promote peace and justice for all. We want our life together to be a contemporary interpretation of the unique life and ministry of Jesus, whom we seek to follow in today's world. Our mission is to continue discovering life in Christ, to invite others to share in that life, and to seek and respond to opportunities for service.

We welcome all who feel drawn to Christ.
We meet in the Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ building located at the corner of Gilbert Road and Tolman Terrace in Madison, WI.

We are a member of the Central District Conference of Mennonite Church USA -
We are a member of the Supportive Communities Network -
Madison, WI