
@ADDR_116BR_shelved (682), @ADDR_EE2020 (657), @ADDR_137NN (528), Dupes_identified in 2024 (448), HHDL-14th Dalai Lama (213), LZR-Lama Zopa (134), $20240513_old (88), T-T (75), @Fiona's_place (73), LY-Lama Yeshe (70), B/A-Biographies/Auto-Bios (70), LR-Lam Rim (62), $20240415_old (52), C-C (51), $20240422_old (50), TAC_Tibetan/Asian Art/Culture (49), K-K (49), S-S (44), D-D (42), $20240506_old (42), DD-Death & Dying (41), Z_17 Nalanda Masters (38), M-M (35), G-G (35), P-P (33), L-L (30), B-B (27), YY_Emptiness_OLD group (26), R-R (25), YY_Nagajuna_OLD group (25), to_bookshop2024 (24), TMH_Tibetan Medicine and Healing (23), N-N (20), H-H (19), Milarepa (15), YY_Lama Tsong Khapa_OLD group (15), XXgone_donated-to-Great-Stupa (14), F-F (14), W-W (14), TL_Tibetan Language (13), $20240429_old (13), A-A (13), YY_Western Healing and Psychology_OLD_GROUP (11), YY_Reference_OLD group (11), ZZB_Repaired (9), XX-Cookery_books in this tag probably gone elsewhere (9), YY_Shantideva_OLD group (7), E-E (6), YY_Padmasambhava_OLD group (6), YY_Other_Dalai_Lamas_OLD group (6), YY_Other Non-English Languages+Scripts_OLD group (6), Not_a_dupe? (5), To_thebookshop_before 2024etc (5), J-J (4), ZZB_Fragile (3), U-U (3), YY_check status of book on shelf (3), YY_Chandrakirti_OLD group (3), XX_Sham_books_only (2), O-O (1), ZZB_Irreparable (1), ZZB_Under_repair (1), ZZB_Tiny (1), Z-Z (1), Y-Y (1), BH_homework_offsite (1), YY_Oversized (1), I-I (1), XX_MIA (1), Q-Q (1), X-X (1), YY_Course Books/texts & sutras_OLD_group (1), YY_Children's Parenting_OLD group (1), V-V (1)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Jun 18, 2018
Real Name
Kunsang Yeshe Retreat Centre
About My Library

{ This profile is in descending chronological sequence - see most recent additions at the top}

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@@ early April 2024 - Organisational change of mind, some dupes will now be on shelves.

@@ Late March 2024 - due to physical space constraints at current venue 116, Bathurst Road, Katoomba it is required to radically reduce number of books in the library. Consequently we expect up to 500 duplicate books to be removed to offsite or elsewhere. Estimated end result will mean approx. 1000 books in LibraryThing.

30/4/24. Also have introduced collections for i) Gone..elsewhere, ii) Gone ..bookshop in addition to default Your Library. There is an offsite collection also which will house all identified dupes (est 500). Eventually all the identified LT dupes will be transferred into this collection. One day all the books on the shelves and the Your Library collection may actually be the same. Currently all collections =1219 and your lib = 1140, There are 79 books in the 'Gone..' collections which logically balances the books:-).

@@ Postscript March 2024 11/3=1200, 26/4=1100 books catalogued - estimate another 300-400 or so still to catalogue

23/01/2024 REMOVED collection name 17 Nalanda Masters as was causing admin. difficulties when adding books - BH

18/12/2023 Update tag category names to update library configuration. viz. LibraryThing back in usage. BH & BM.

25/07/23 - Books are planned to be re-introduced into 116 Bathurst Road, Katoomba (KYRC current address) from August 2023. Books will be catalogued manually using a spreadsheet initially. Hence this catalogue will gradually become out of date from that time. Until it is decided that resources are available to manage this facility LT (LibraryThing) again.

@@Postscript - April 2023 - Purchased a rotary library shelf which fits in a small space at front of gompa. Gradually moving books into that space. 19 books at present refer @ADDR_116BR tag name.

@@Postscript - March 2023 - Still no physical room for books at 116BR, but cataloguing DVDs for Movie days/nights. Create collection called DVDs.

@@Postscript - January 2023 - This month marks the second year of the books being in storage, whilst this is regrettable, all books are dry and safely stored. It is anticipated that it will require considerable effort to ensure the catalogue is updated effectively when the time arises to re-introduce the books back into a public location.

@@Postscript - September 2022 - Due to limited floor space at 116BR, transfer of books to that place has been delayed temporarily.

@@Postscript - August 2022 - The Centre has acquired new premises at 116, Bathurst Road, Katoomba. The library shelves have yet to be installed, and space assigned to the library. At this stage it is likely all HHDL, LZR & LY books will be transported to that address in an initial batch. A tag (probably 116BR) will be assigned to all of those items (just over 400 books), to indicate they have been transported to that address. The remainder will stay in storage for the time being.

@@Postscript - March 2022 - KYC still in suspended animation due to Covid and other various matters pertaining to awaiting a venue to store books. No Library Thing activity possible due to books all being in storage.

@@ A physical relocation of the centre & books occurred at January 2021. All 1300 books (estimate) were transported to a member's home for safe-keeping.

@@This catalogue was still under construction as at December 2020. About 65% of items were catalogued at that date.

<GENERAL> The tags shown are mostly used to physically locate an item. As the centre moved in 2019 some books are tagged 137NN (catalogued at old venue that year & prior), books checked in at the new venue are tagged EE2020. Once all the 137NN books have been located at EE2020, the old tag will become redundant and probably removed.

Other main tags are HHDL, LZR, LY & 'A-Z by author' (hopefully self-evident choices). Which pertain to the way books have been stored on shelves at EE2020. There are a number of other smaller tag categories.

Collections are another way we are categorising items. Broadly 'Your Library' pertains to all KYC available items (on the shelves or out on manual card system loan). Another collection is named 'Gone to the bookshop' as items are transferred to the bookshop (as required). These items are removed from the Your Library collection and added to the 'Gone to the bookshop' collection. A third collection is named 'donations' for items donated by students etc. Both collection names were removed. <END GENERAL>

About Me

The libbo has a predilection for maintaining catalogues etc.

Katoomba, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia
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