
LibraryThing first appearance (653), fiction -- English language (general) (233), CD -- classical (210), non-fiction -- miscellaneous (121), young readers (115), memoir (106), poetry and poetics (103), crime fiction (95), CD -- Vokalwerke (89), CD -- symphonic (85), already donated/sold/swapped (83), painting (73), humor (intentional) (72), opera (all media) (71), unnatural history (71), labor movement (68), folklore (print materials only) (64), natural history (63), composer biography and criticism (60), Klassische Alterthumswissenschaft (59), to donate/sell/swap (52), Upper Midwest lore (51), autograph (50), [review to follow] (50), history -- miscellaneous (49), video -- entertainment (48), 2013 reads (47), railroading (46), cartoons (45), Richard Wagner (44), IWW (39), fiction -- English language (historical) (37), song collection (35), architecture and practical building (34), CD -- Kammermusik (34), LP -- traditional (33), aesthetics of music (33), Prince Edward Island (33), fiction -- French language (translated) (29), epic tradition (27), musical score (27), Bluegrass (all media) (27), cookery (27), CD -- traditional (26), Nashville country (25), baseball (23), author biography and criticism (23), gardening (22), fiction -- Russian language (translated) (21), Rolfiana (21), drama (20), anarchism (18), audiobook (14), sui generis (13), crafts and projects (13), fiction -- miscellaneous (13), Haslehust water-colours (12), decorative arts (12), 2014 reads (12), railroad timetable (public) (10), CD -- Christmas (10), film (10), Paris Commune (10), Christian fiction (10), Lorenzo de' Medici (10), mathematics -- popular works (9), sculpture (9), religion (8), etchings/engravings/prints (5), translation -- theory and practice (4), music reference (3), railroad timetable (employee) (2), Bluegrass -- all media (2)
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Jun 2, 2012
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About My Library
I'm always interested in exchanges (but not stock-exchanges).
About Me
[early May, 2013, but see Addendum:] A first-rate writer of our time has suggested that I am a curmudgeon. I prefer to think of myself as one of Santa's little helpers, though on the tall side. But in our suburb of the North Pole, we have one special test for Naughty vs Nice: we don't read or answer communications from LTers who are totally anonymous or pseudonymous: indulge me in this small preference.
[Addendum, December 2013: the ever-increasing loutishness of much of the "Talk" on LT has led me to take an indefinite hiatus from the site. It is impossible to exchange ideas, or even simple facts, with people who can only rant, and haven't the slightest concept of dignified silence or patient listening. Those who need to know already have, or soon will have alternative means of communicating with me. To those who have made them, thanks for the good times! And Merry Christmas!
On the Wyocena, Fennimore and Gerda RR (mixed train local)

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