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Mar 27, 2011
Real Name
About My Library
I collect all sorts of books, love the study of humans and their nature through books.
I adore the artistic, poetic, esoteric, sometimes the banal, and just about any good reading & literature. I cannot really enjoy romance or crime novels, for some reason.
About Me
Always adding to my personal library (currently about 800 books strong not including periodicals), along with beloved memoir, autobiographical, and biographical stories
I have finally submitted to the flow of things and will read more fiction. I so love reading and entering into world's not unlike my own for a little whiling away the time!
Would love to explore some of the greats of literature especially interested in reading more of Balzac, perhaps some Blake and Milton but that seems best done in the local library and I like staying home most of the time, so we'll se!

I shop the junk stores and thrift shops to acquire most of my collection, and local dollar stores for my books, and sometimes have to glom them from amazon market or in ebay or half dot com site.

In my searches for special books for my library, I buy books for my daughter as well. Enjoy quiet moments reading books with her whenever we head toward the bed at night, absolutely LoVe that time of night sharing stories with my girl!

Also tend to devour certain sorts of magazines, love some new ones coming out around alternative felting, wire wrapping, knitting, up-cycled clothing, sewing, and old favorites like Dwell, Elle Decor, Maison Francaise, Veranda, and other "Home Decor" type of mags, (one can DREAM!) AND Archetecture Magazines, as well as Mother Jones, Organic Style, The Sun, Yoga, Parabola, Sedona and other "Alternative Press" type perodicals when I see them. Love Tattoo and Music, and Travel magazines also.
Fashion magazines are sometimes coveted as well, ELLE, Vogue,I would love to get my hands on some French and Italian Vogue, as I love fashion as art and would love to sew up more of my own creations, inspired by just a look at what else is happening in the arena.
My latest subscription was to one about Arts and Crafts Homes (And Their Revival)it is fabulous.

Southern California
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