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>Torah Commentaries COVER TYPE: Soft (30), however (22), "Then starting with Moses (the Torah) and all the prophets (20), annual synagogue reading cycle (20), Torah Club examines each Torah portion using the theological filter that Yeshua Himself modeled for us (20), (Yeshua) explained to them the things that can be found throughout the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures) concerning Himself." -Luke 24:27. Torah Club consists of three separate volumes (15), each designed to take you through different aspects of understanding the Torah. COVER TYPE: Hard (15), Mishnah (11), and other classics of traditional Jewish literature and thought made available in English COVER TYPE: Soft (11), Siddur (11), like the Sages of Babylonia (10), Roman persecution in the Holy Land made that impossible. Thus (10), a chain of oral transmission has faithfully carried a Divine message from the foot of Mount Sinai. These teachings have been handed down from rabbi to disciple and from father to son. Lapin is a living link in this chain. COVER TYPE: N/A (10), clarify and organize the text of the Babylonian Talmud (10), expounded (10), the Jerusalem Talmud is exceedingly difficult (10), they debated (10), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Cassette Tape STATUS: Missing SHELF NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: For more than fifty generations (10), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Cassette Tape Set STATUS: Missing SHELF NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: Tim Hegg of Beit Hallel exegetes the book of Romans (10), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Book STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: E6 DESCRIPTION: The first complete and unabridged English translation of the Midrash Rabbah (10), the great Sages of the Land of Israel flourished in the Galil. There (10), one of the monumental productions of Rabbinic literature. The Midrash Rabbah is a collection of ten separate works. This is the first time they've been rendered into a foreign la COVER TYPE: Hard (9), ? p. 3; David Bivin (9), color. COVER TYPE: N/A (8), elite scholars. COVER TYPE: Hard (8), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Reserved STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: E2 DESCRIPTION: For five generations of the Talmudic era (8), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: CD Audio STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: I4 DESCRIPTION: COVER TYPE: N/A (8), Greek (8), just as the teachings of Babylonia live one in the Talmud Bavli ? The Babylonian Talmud. But while the Sages of Babylonia had another 150 years to redact (8), and ? despite its great significance ? it has been a closed book to all but select (8), when brutal Roman anti-Semitism decimated the Holy Land?s yeshivos and silenced its voice of Torah. But the Sages? teachings live on in the Talmud Yerushalmi (8), Exodus (7), Leviticus (6), Torah (6), places (6), marriage (6), maps (6), history (6), Numbers and Deuteronomy) as the core of her scriptures. "Restoration" is a riveting argument for a return to that original (5), and "Iron of Culture". COVER TYPE: N/A (5), "Confronting Evil" (5), "First Fruits" (5), "West Feet" (5), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Cassette Tape STATUS: Missing SHELF NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: COVER TYPE: N/A (5), in part (5), biblical expression of faith in Jesus. Discover for yourself the profound beauty of Torah life (5), covering each of the five books of Torah. COVER TYPE: Hard (5), from the Talmud and Midrash to contemporary commentators and thinkers. Then he organizes all of these strands into essays. COVER TYPE: Hard (5), (Yeshua) explained to them the things that can be found throughout the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures) concerning Himself." -Luke 24:27. Torah Club Volume 1 consists of five separate volumes (5), ? p. 4. COVER TYPE: Soft (5), and his part in (5), his recollections of (5), the Talmud (5), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Book STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: E3 DESCRIPTION: Rabbi Nachshoni chooses several difficult topics in each weekly Torah reading. He researches an unbelievable array of sources (5), Christian (5), the celebration of the biblical Sabbath (5), Israel (5), and the appreciation of God's holy feast days. Your eyes will be opened to another dimension of the faith that is beginning to re-emerge among Christians worldwide. Lancaster answers common theological objections to the Torah (5), and (5), games (5), Purim (5), Talmud (5), while demonstrating that Christians are already keeping more of God's Law than they realize. This thought provoking theological boat-rocker is a fun-to-read (5), inspiring journey into the world of the Bible. COVER TYPE: Soft (5), step by step (5), law (5), pp. 1-2; Hebrew Nuggets (4), p. 4. COVER TYPE: Soft (4), and the part homosexuality in those societies (4), Schindler was hardly a model of decency; the film is largely about his transformation in response to the horror around him. Spielberg doesn't flinch from that horror (4), anecdotes (4), contrasted with the morality of Torah. COVER TYPE: N/A (4), and grace. Pryor pulls no punches as he graphically describes the decadent societies of our past (4), the centuries melt away and we are intimately involved in the life of Jesus. COVER TYPE: N/A (4), and the aging Apostle Matthew recalls remarkable events he witnessed as a young man. As his story unfolds (4), music (4), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Book STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: I3 DESCRIPTION: This is the only complete interlinear Bible available in English (4), ? pp. 1-2; Hebrew Nuggets (4), ? pp. 1 (4), Islam (4), analytical lexicons (4), courage (4), word studies and more. The Hebrew is based on the Masoretic Text and the Greek is from the Textus Receptus. The sources of the texts are documented in the preface (4), the church (4), and are essentially the same (with some minor variations) to the Hebrew and Greek texts used by the KJV translators. COVER TYPE: Hard (4), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Cassette Tape STATUS: Missing SHELF NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: At a Bible Conference at Evergreen Baptist Church in Seattle (4), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Video Tape STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: W5 DESCRIPTION: COVER TYPE: N/A (4), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Video Tape STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: H5 DESCRIPTION: The year is about 62 AD (4), and Latin to comment on the NT. COVER TYPE: Hard (4), religion (4), but by dramatizing the delicate diplomacy and determination with which he carried out his generous deeds. As a drinker and womanizer who thought nothing of associating with Nazis (4), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Book STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: D5 DESCRIPTION: John Lightfoot was both a Hebraist and at home with Latin and Greek. He lived from 1602 - 1675 (4), Christianity (4), 000 Jews from certain death in concentration camps. By employing Jews in his crockery factory manufacturing goods for the German army (4), Midrashic (4), concordances (4), Jeremiah (4), who risked his life and went bankrupt to save more than 1 (4), but it was the artistic and critical triumph of Schindler's List that Spielberg called "the most satisfying experience of my career." Adapted from the best-selling book by Thomas Keneally and filmed in Poland with an emphasis on absolute authenticity (4), and was a product of the reformation. This is a classic work that combines the study of Talmud with knowledge of Hebrew (4), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: DVD STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: I6 DESCRIPTION: Filmed on location in Israel (4), charts (4), up-to-date (4), that is (4), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: DVD STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: I7 DESCRIPTION: Steven Spielberg had a banner year in 1993. He scored one of his biggest commercial hits that summer with the mega-hit Jurassic Park (4), Spielberg's masterpiece ranks among the greatest films ever made about the Holocaust during World War II. It's a film about heroism with an unlikely hero at its center--Catholic war profiteer Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson) (4), Schindler ensures their survival against terrifying odds. At the same time (4), he must remain solvent with the help of a Jewish accountant (Ben Kingsley) and negotiate business with a vicious (4), concepts (4), songs (4), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: DVD STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: I5 DESCRIPTION: This two-DVD set contains life-changing faith lessons: "Standing at the Crossroads" (4), >Israel NewsFocus (4), Rod Graciano (4), obstinate Nazi commandant (Ralph Fiennes) who enjoys shooting Jews as target practice from the balcony of his villa overlooking a prison camp. Schindler's List gains much of its power not by trying to explain Schindler's motivations (4), political (4), Washington (4), Yom Kippur (4), but who were not comfortable forcing their young children to sit through adult services. When these parents came to the synagogue (3), traditional prayer (3), they wanted to spend their weekends with their children. Ideally (3), while others join the congregation for the conclusion of the Shabbat morning service. COVER TYPE: Soft (3), some parents continue to socialize (3), they usually spent most of the morning watching their children outside by the sandbox. Even parents who left their slightly older children in childcare were not completely satisfied. At the least (3), lasts about an hour and runs from 11 a.m. to noon on Saturday morning. Following the program (3), including our mini-Kiddush (3), families gather for a mini-Kiddush. The entire service (3), they wanted to celebrate Shabbat with their children and other families. Out of this desire (3), and a lot of movement to keep our young children engaged. At the end of each service (3), a few inspired parents created Shabbat b'Yachad (3), that included children's songs (3), a parade (3), discussions on themes that arise from the prayers (3), London (3), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Book STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: C1 DESCRIPTION: The author isolates the primary themes of Sfat Emet (3), "The Rabbi" (3), "The Weight of the World" (3), "Roll Away the Stone" (3), "Power to the People" and "Total Commitment". COVER TYPE: N/A (3), "Who is God" (3), "The Wages of Sin" (3), "The Lord Is My Shepherd" (3), "My Rock and My Fortress" (3), "The Time Had Fully Come" (3), "No Greater Love" (3), "Language of Culture" (3), "City of the Great King II" (3), "Misguided Faith" and "Living Water". COVER TYPE: N/A (3), ?The Way of the Master (3), ? and the companion radio program (3), which premiered in the fall of 2005. He is the author of more than 40 books (3), including The Evidence Bible (3), Spurgeon Gold (3), Whitefield Gold (3), The One-Minute Devotional (3), Overcoming Panic Attacks (3), and The Way of the Master. His ministry has been commended by David Wilkerson (3), "The Lamb of God" (3), "City of the Great King I" (3), classic Chassidic literature (3), German & French. With just the eight 30-minute lessons (3), etc. COVER TYPE: Soft (3), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Book STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: D6 DESCRIPTION: Thorough (3), maintains Thomas Edward McComiskey (3), intends to remedy this neglect by "causing the voices of these ancient men of God to ring with greater clarity in a world that sorely needs spiritual and moral strength." An authoritative (3), the Dead Sea Scrolls (3), this 8-lesson set is just the encouragement you need. When I ordered mine (3), there was a $20 discount coupon inside toward the unabridged lesson set (3), so if you decide to upgrade (3), but it came so highly recommended (3), I gave it a shot. There is no comparison to the Pimsleur method of aural learning. I only hope that the publishers eventually come out with a 2nd and 3rd volume like they did with Spanish (3), I felt confident enough to know that if I was dropped off in the middle of Israel without a guide and even if I couldn't find an English speaker around (3), "Gates of Hell" (3), I could still communicate enough to get food (3), water and shelter (3), as well as to have a modicum of a conversation with the locals. This is an awesome (3), easy-as-pie system for learning Modern Israeli Hebrew. COVER TYPE: N/A (3), this is an in-depth tour of the buried (3), Nothing to Gain" (3), "Sardis - The Salt of the Earth" (3), "Pergamum - Where Satan Lives" (3), "Ephesus - The Mark of the Beast" and "Laodicea - Hot or Cold". COVER TYPE: N/A (3), "Piercing the Darkness" (3), or otherwise forgotten places where the stories of the Bible actually happened. From this cultural perspective (3), this unique three-volume work explores the essence of every Jewish holiday -- its special prayers (3), and the Jewish people (3), Franklin Graham (3), Lebanon (3), proverbs (3), symbols (3), God (3), he says (3), Peter (3), Paul (3), Iraq (3), in fact (3), Ezekiel (3), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Book STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: F5 DESCRIPTION: The Second Division describes the internal condition of Palestine (3), Passover (3), Apocrypha (3), the Crusades (3), Romans 10 (3), most of all (3), he argues (3), & Tim Hegg as Overseers at Fellowship Bible Church during regular Sunday services. COVER TYPE: N/A (3), >Torah Commentary (3), hope (3), Yeshua (3), >The Good Land (3), food (3), historical (3), biblical (3), culture (3), politics (3), a story (3), creative (3), hidden meanings (3), scholarly (3), students (3), Joshua (3), Joni Eareckson Tada (3), photographs (3), Midrash (3), prayers (3), photos (3), 1948 (3), John MacArthur (3), distant (3), of course (3), Hanukkah (3), >Torah Calendar COVER TYPE: Soft (3), Judaism (3), >The Blessed Home COVER TYPE: Soft (3), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Video Tape STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: H1 DESCRIPTION: Discovering our Jewish Roots with Dwight Pryor and Marvin Wilson COVER TYPE: N/A (3), (6) Israel as a nation receiving the Messiah (3), >The Stones Cry Out (3), the very goal of the Torah has yet to be fulfilled (3), (7) Israel as a nation receiving the forgiveness of sins and transgressions has yet to be fulfilled (3), (8) When Israel as a nation experiences this (3), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Video Tape STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: H4 DESCRIPTION: COVER TYPE: N/A (3), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Cassette Tape Set STATUS: Missing SHELF NUMBER: CASSETTE3 DESCRIPTION: Tim Hegg of Beit Hallel exegetes the book of Romans (3), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Cassette Tape STATUS: Missing SHELF NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: The Book of Romans exegeted by Bruce Stabbert (3), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Cassette Tape Set STATUS: Missing SHELF NUMBER: DESCRIPTION: 8 tape series covering the laws of purity (3), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Video Tape STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: H5 DESCRIPTION: For sheer pageantry and spectacle (3), have always been members of the New Covenant as the first-fruits of the harvest (3), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Book STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: C1 DESCRIPTION: Pearls of Light illuminates an inspired and inspiring path through the Jewish year. Beginning with Chodesh Elul and preprations for Rosh Hashanah (3), and ending with the joy of Tu B'Av (3), Paris (3), halachos (3), and significant aspects -- with lucidity and depth. Culled from articles published in the Londan Torah publication HaMeir (3), and replete with new insights based on traditional commentaries and sources (3), Pearls of Loght will truly bring the light of Toray into every Jewish home. COVER TYPE: Hard (3), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Book STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: L6 DESCRIPTION: Torah is for Christians. Biblical Christianity was originally a sect of Judaism that believed in Jesus and revered the Torah (Genesis (3), subscribers kept asking for back issues (3), chances are you will find the answers in the "No Greater Joy" series. COVER TYPE: Soft (3), (5) Israel as a nation having the Torah written on her heart and living in loyalty to her God is yet to be fulfilled (3), Ravi Zacharius (3), whether Jew or non-Jew (3), Mark 4:11 (3), >Ha Yesod-The Foundation (3), by Joseph Good. COVER TYPE: N/A (3), ? pp. 1-2; David Bivin (3), ? pp. 1-2; Brad H. Young (3), >Modesty (3), 2 Corinthians 3 (3), Deuteronomy 30:11-14 (3), Numbers 11:17 (3), Exodus 34:29 (3), (4) All who comprise the believing remnant (3), Isaiah 6:9 (3), (2) Faithfulness to God & His covenant is not new (3) Sins & transgressions forgiven is not new (3), Hebrews 8 and more to support his conclusion: regarding "What's so New about the New Covenant?" (1) Torah written on the heart is not new (3), guiding you through the intricate paths of Talmudic logic and thought. His extensive introductions and commentaries make the text crystal clear by providing all the background information needed to follow it (2), married nearly five years and childless (2), but Adam declines because he knows that any act of resistance will provoke the Germans to retaliate by killing innocent Jews. Determined to mobilize a resistance alone if he has to (2), building up an arsenal to fight the Nazis. When the Germans begin deporting 300 (2), 000 Jews to the Treblinka death camp (2), the JFO begins acts of resistance that culminate with ghetto fighters firing their first gunshots against the Nazis. When it becomes clear that the JFO is a force to be reckoned with (2), the German High Command sends in General Stroop (Jon Voight) (2), who is determined to end the uprising in two or three days. Capturing the horror that unfolds is Fritz Hippler (Cary Elwes) (2), General Stroop decides to raze the ghetto. But even that can't stop the JFO. Forced to go underground into bunkers but energized by their success (2), and two escaped convicts arrive on Moshe and Mali's doorstep in time to be their ushpizin - their guests. The miracles then become trials. Rabbinical advice (2), Moshe is the beneficiary of local charitable fundraising (2), miracles abound: a friend finds Moshe a sukkot he says is abandoned (2), are broke and praying for a miracle. Suddenly (2), Moshe and Mali (2), power (2), a temporary shack of both deprivation and hospitality. A devout couple (2), seven days celebrating life's essentials in a sukkot (2), it's Succoth (2), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: DVD STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: I7 DESCRIPTION: In Jerusalem's orthodox neighborhoods (2), and the result is a film that combines remarkable humanity with abhorrent inhumanity--a film that functions as a powerful history lesson and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the context of a living nightmare. COVER TYPE: N/A (2), the resisters fight on (2), ultimately holding off the Nazi army longer than the entire country of Poland. They're determined to live with honor--and if need be (2), OWNER: Beit Hallel RESOURCE TYPE: Audio CD STATUS: Available SHELF NUMBER: I4 DESCRIPTION: If you're thinking of learning Hebrew but aren't ready to commit the big bucks for the 30-lesson course by Pimsleur (2), and its inner logic are all carefully explained. Appendixes on Talmudic weights and measures (2), its language (2), Rabbi Steinsaltz provides the essential guidelines for Talmud study. He also describes the historical background of the Talmudic period and the genius of the sages whose wisdom radiates from every page. The structure of the Talmud (2), the Talmud has clear and precise rules by which it operates. In this comprehensive ""Reference Guide"" (2), while his illustrated marginal notes supply fascinating insights into daily life in Talmudic times. Despite its apparent complexity (2), a filmmaker assigned by Hitler's chief propagandist to promote anti-Semitism with a film about Jewish life in the ghetto. When the Nazis continue to suffer more casualties in their battle with the ghetto fighters (2)
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Feb 6, 2011