Real Name
Eric and Nicolette Karloski
About My Library
AucassinBooks contains all of the books my wife and I own.
About Me
Nicolette and I (Eric) both have masters degrees. We've done a lot of things and gone a lot of places. Nicolette's favorite book is The Scarlet Pimpernel, and her favorite series is The Space Trilogy by C. S. Lewis. Eric's favorite author is William Stringfellow and he firmly believes fantasy and science fiction are completely separate genres. Nicolette agrees with me but enjoys when the author blurs the line between them. She's wrong but I don't hold that against her. Nicky likes to do absolutely nothing while reading, except sip on tequila, while I like to smoke a pipe. We have a dog named Luna and she can't read. We do hold that against her. Our two cats are stupid. One is far more stupid than the other. They do like books, but only to sit on them. Alas...
Grand Rapids MI