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Al Sarrantonio

Author of Stories: All-New Tales

80+ Works 4,574 Members 135 Reviews 3 Favorited

About the Author

Al Sarrantonio has written 28 novels and has had his short stories appear in publications such as, "Heavy Metal," Twilight Zone," "Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine" and "Realms of Fantasy." He has also had his work appear in such anthologies as "The Year's Best Horror Stories," Visions of show more Fantasies: Tales from the Masters," "Great Ghost Stories" and "The Best of Shadows." Sarrantonio writes a host of genres, including, science fiction, fantasy, horror and western. His novels include, "Exile," "Moonbane," "October," "West Texas" and "Campbell Wood." He was nominated for the Bram Stoker Award of the Horror Writer's Association and the Private Eye Writer's of America's Shamus Award. Sarrantonio has edited three volumes of humor as well as co-edited "100 Hair Raising Little Horror Stories." (Bowker Author Biography) show less


Works by Al Sarrantonio

Stories: All-New Tales (2010) — Contributor; Editor — 1,401 copies
999: New Stories of Horror and Suspense (1999) — Contributor — 619 copies
100 Hair-Raising Little Horror Stories (1993) — Editor; Contributor — 448 copies
Flights: Extreme Visions of Fantasy (2004) — Editor; Contributor — 398 copies
Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction (2001) — Editor — 252 copies
Personal Agendas (1997) — Author — 221 copies
Halloweenland (2007) 131 copies
Hallows Eve (2004) 106 copies
Horrorween (2006) 105 copies
Toybox (1999) 102 copies
Moonbane (1989) 86 copies
Flights: Extreme Visions Fantasy, Vol II (2006) — Editor; Contributor — 46 copies
Halloween and Other Seasons (2008) 44 copies
Haydn of Mars (2004) 40 copies
Halloween: New Poems (2010) 40 copies
Totentanz (1985) 31 copies
Exile (1991) 26 copies
Skeletons (1992) 25 copies
House Haunted (1991) 25 copies
Hornets and Others (2004) 24 copies
The Boy with Penny Eyes (1987) 24 copies
Orangefield (2002) 21 copies
October (1668) 20 copies
Treasury of Great Humor (1987) 18 copies
West Texas (1991) 17 copies
Sebastian of Mars (2005) 17 copies
The Baby (2006) 16 copies
Looking Glass (2006) — Contributor — 16 copies
Campbell Wood (1986) 15 copies
Underground (2013) 15 copies
Queen of Mars (2006) 15 copies
Masters of Mars (2006) 14 copies
Kitt Peak (1993) 13 copies
The Worms (1985) 11 copies
Journey (1997) 9 copies
Portents (2011) — Editor — 8 copies
The Pumpkin Boy (2005) 6 copies
Bad Candy — Author — 3 copies
Cemetery Dance Issue 63 (2010) 3 copies
Cold Night (1989) 3 copies
Cemetery Dance Issue 37 (2002) 2 copies
Pumpkin Head 2 copies
Summer 1 copy
Orange Lake (2015) 1 copy
Two 1 copy
Rudý posuv (2005) 1 copy
Fossils 1 copy
Boxes 1 copy
Simple 1 copy
50 Horror Stories (2008) 1 copy
Under My Bed 1 copy
Modrý posuv (2009) 1 copy
Father Dear 1 copy
Sisters in Mystery (2012) 1 copy
Hornets 1 copy
Mondbestien (1991) 1 copy

Associated Works

The Mammoth Book of Comic Fantasy (1998) — Contributor, some editions — 508 copies
Great Ghost Stories (1985) — Contributor — 399 copies
100 Ghastly Little Ghost Stories (1993) — Contributor — 341 copies
Ghosts: A Treasury of Chilling Tales Old & New (1981) — Contributor — 336 copies
100 Great Fantasy Short, Short Stories (1984) — Contributor — 248 copies
Stalkers: 19 Original Tales by the Masters of Terror (1989) — Contributor — 228 copies
The Urban Fantasy Anthology (2011) — Contributor — 201 copies
Under the Fang (1991) — Contributor — 189 copies
Visions of Fantasy: Tales from the Masters (1989) — Contributor — 102 copies
Razored Saddles (1989) — Contributor — 87 copies
Night Screams (1996) — Contributor — 82 copies
The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 18 (2007) — Contributor — 76 copies
Shadows 4 (1981) — Contributor — 75 copies
Halloween (2011) — Contributor — 74 copies
Creatures: Thirty Years of Monsters (2011) — Contributor — 68 copies
Shadows 5 (1982) — Contributor — 67 copies
Greystone Bay (1985) — Contributor — 67 copies
100 Twisted Little Tales of Torment (1998) — Contributor — 64 copies
Space Mail II (1982) — Contributor — 64 copies
Shadows 8 (1985) — Contributor — 59 copies
Shivers VII (2013) — Contributor — 58 copies
Fears (1983) — Contributor — 57 copies
Laughing Space: An Anthology of Science Fiction Humour (1982) — Contributor — 56 copies
Shadows 6 (1983) — Contributor — 54 copies
The Ultimate Halloween (2001) — Contributor — 48 copies
The Year's Best Horror Stories: Series XI (1983) — Contributor — 46 copies
Terrors (1982) — Contributor — 37 copies
The Seaharp Hotel (1990) — Contributor — 36 copies
Retro Pulp Tales (2006) — Contributor — 32 copies
October Dreams II (Anthology) (2016) — Contributor — 29 copies
Shivers (2002) 29 copies
Best of Shadows (1988) — Contributor — 28 copies
Shivers II (2003) 25 copies
Nursery Crimes (1993) — Contributor — 24 copies
Impossible Monsters (2013) — Contributor — 22 copies
Shadows 10 (1987) — Contributor — 22 copies
Chrysalis 7 (1980) — Contributor — 21 copies
Chrysalis 9 (1981) — Contributor — 18 copies
Halloween Carnival Volume 2 (2017) — Author — 16 copies
Dark Hallows: 10 Halloween Haunts (Anthology) (2015) — Contributor — 8 copies
The Crane House: A Halloween Story (2012) — Contributor — 8 copies
Bruce Coville's UFOs (2000) — Contributor — 8 copies
Territoires de l'inquiétude. 7 (1993) — Contributor — 3 copies
Cemetery Dance Presents: Grave Tales #2 (2000) — Contributor — 2 copies
Harvest Hill (2009) — Foreword — 1 copy
Subterranean Magazine Fall 2010 — Contributor — 1 copy


20th century (23) Al Sarrantonio (32) anthology (1,035) Babylon 5 (50) Cemetery Dance (29) collection (66) ebook (71) fantasy (569) fiction (778) first edition (31) ghost stories (60) ghosts (83) Halloween (78) hardcover (63) horror (1,067) humor (112) limited (28) literature (25) mystery (52) Neil Gaiman (28) own (50) paperback (60) read (87) science fiction (272) sf (100) sff (54) short fiction (29) short stories (829) short story (24) short story collections (30) signed (109) speculative fiction (39) stories (37) supernatural (35) suspense (23) to-read (459) unread (71) urban fantasy (24) vampires (42) western (24)

Common Knowledge



Recent Short Stories by DWJ in Diana Wynne Jones Fans (May 2013)


I don't know what it is but I've been taking forever to get through short story collections. It does not matter if the anthology is an interesting topic, a single author, or random choices by an editor. I can't seem to get into them. I try for a story a week but that doesn't week to work very well. Airplane rides are about the best so far to get me through them. Oh, it also doesn't seem to matter if the stories are good or not. I have several favorites from this collection but it still took me longer than I would have liked. Here's to hoping for me trips.

* "Anwari" by Nina Kiriki Hoffman - A baby doll, an ex-girlfriend, and maybe a genie.
* "Dead Hit" by Neal Barrett, Jr. - An unexpected assassin takes a job.
* "Miss Dowdy" by Elizabeth Massie - A witch is discovered by a young girl.
* "Forced Entry" by Kealan Patrick Burke - A woman has unexpected visitors. The ending leaves a punch.
* "The Casual Progression of Homesickness" by Tom Piccirilli - A man's world unravels. Piccirilli's stories always grabs your heart and won't let go. This one is no exception.
… (more)
dagon12 | Mar 24, 2024 |
I was just getting into Neil Gaiman when this was announced and had to have it. It had to be good. Right? Eh.

Neil's contribution was pretty good, as were a couple others. A few stories were real clinkers. The rest pretty average. There are some big names here. I expected better.
zot79 | 64 other reviews | Aug 20, 2023 |
I haven't read an anthology in several years, so I wasn't sure what to expect in terms on consistency of theme and quality.

Overall, for an anthology that is looking to branch out beyond genre categories, the stories mesh relatively nicely with each other; although many fail to achieve the intended theme of "and then what happened?" The editing was well done, with the collection laid out in a way the flows, with stories with similar themes placed near each other, but not such that they blur with one another. There's a nice mix of long and short stories that makes the collection readable for long stretches of time. I found most of my favorite stories bunched at the back end, so keep reading if you don't like the beginning too well.

In terms of quality, I felt that most of the stories were well-written, although several were not to my liking.

The introduction by Neil Gaiman is probably the best part of the book. I loved the description of why people read and write fantasy and where fantasy as a genre can let us down. The desire to defy genres is ambitious and motivating.

Blood is a great opening story. It's evocative and plays directly to the "and then what happened" theme.
Fossil Figures was not to my liking. It's a kind of generic twin story with some nice turns of phrase, but not much substance.
Wildfire in Manhattan on the one hand, Gods are real and they live in cities has been done before and better (by two authors included in this collection, no less.) That being said, if not particularly original, this was still fun. I enjoyed the writing style and the characterizations. There was plenty of really nice imagery.
The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains Gaiman's contribution to the collection was probably the closest to the intended theme. A very well-written play on the traditional fairy tale of Aladdin's cave of gold. Written in a very traditional folk tale style, but with new takes on the typical folk tale themes.
Unbelief A story of an assassin sent to kill a mysterious figure. Went straight in one ear and out the other. This has been done before and done better. I would have lost nothing had this story been excluded completely.
The Stars are Falling I hated this one, too. This is the typical story of a WWI veteran who comes home and tries to reconcile with his old life. It was so cliche in plot, tone and writing style and every piece of the plot was telegraphed from the beginning. Instead of "and then what happened?" I felt like "oh, that happened, really? I'm so totally unsurprised."
Juvenal Nyx Sometimes, when you read fantasy, the setting is so complex that once author takes so long to set it up, you still don't understand it and you don't care. This story is how to do a complex setting correctly. Very little set up was ever done, but by the end you got the feeling that his world was so complicated and so rich. I wish I could have read whole series in this setting.
The Knife This story reminded me a lot of "Blood." More a story-let, it felt like a nice palate cleanser after two relatively long stories; however, it's not something I would reread on its own.
Weights and Measures as a sad story about a couple that had lost their daughter, this worked. Picoult excels at writing emotion and this was a very sad, very moving story. As a magical realism piece, this didn't work. The conceit of the magic didn't make sense to me, and it distracted me from the emotions and themes of the piece rather than adding to it.
Goblin Lake A beautifully written piece of meta-fiction that nicely explores the relationship between fiction and reality. I found this very insightful on the topics of why we read and why we write.
Mallon the Guru The writing in this was so evocative and full of gorgeous imagery. The feeling of mysticism and growing feeling of dread worked their way into every sentence. The story left me more with feelings than with a concrete understanding of the plot (such that I immediately reread the story to make sure I hadn't missed anything.)
Catch and Release Another nice twist on a genre -- a story told from the point of view of a reformed serial killer. I found the narrative chilling and fascinating. The analogy of fishing really carried the story.
Polka Dots and Moonbeams one part 1920's gangsters, one part...something else. The writing is outstanding; the setting is established impeccably from the first sentence. Although as the reader you never quite figure out what's happening, the feelings of needing to escape, of love and of desperation all come through so clearly that it doesn't really matter.
Loser Chuck Palahniuk always writes in the same Chuck Palahniuk genre and this is no exception. Take something banal, such as the Price is Right, and add grit. This was a fun, but superficial, read.
Samantha's Diary I was so disappointed by this that I almost don't want to review it. I love Jones. I've read every book she's ever written. I bought this collection because it advertised a new Diana Wynne Jones story. But there's no two ways about it: this story sucked. There was no intrigue, none of the plot twists Jones fans live for and no depth of characterization. It was the saddest thing ever.
Land of the Lost Maybe I could have handled this story better had I not been still grieving from Samantha's Diary. As was, this was a trite story about a woman who will find the grave of a serial killer's victim, even though the police have given up. Sound like something you've read about a million times before? Well, that's exactly what it was like.
Lief in the Wind On the other hand, this was so fantastic. A completely original science fiction story about a team exploring a new planet and contacting the alien life there. Sound like something you've read a million times before? Well, this was absolutely nothing like all of those others. This started with the beautiful imagery of the "birds that get smaller as they get closer" and built open that with so much metaphor and so much detail of language. The story was also about how to recollect yourself when loved ones die and hope is lost and was gorgeous on that front as well.
Unwell This story gets you totally lost in the mind of a toxic woman and you realize too late that although she's toxic there might be something else to the story. I adore stories with untrustworthy narrators and this was done perfectly.
A Life in Fictions One of the few stories that felt completely new. Not a twist on a genre, or an old tale with a new spin, but just something new. It's a story about a woman who disappears into her boyfriend's novels when he writes characters based on her and how this affects her life. At a larger level it's about the many facets of self and what we do to integrate them. I really loved this piece.
Let the Past Begin A lot of fluff surrounding a middle segment of a beautifully told folk legend. The meat of the story was haunting and so well-described that I could close my eyes and see the fortune teller. But the rest of it was chaff.
The Therapist I loved this work. Very soft science fiction about what causes people to lose their tempers mixed with court fiction. I loved the idea of a neme (a contagious feeling of rage). I felt the first part could stand on its own and then loved the twist brought by the second part.
Parallel Lines Now this was the twin story that I've been waiting for. At first glance, this is a boring Ouiji board twin-twin communication story. But it's actually so much more. The relationship between the twins and the characterization of each is done beautifully and the exploration of what we do and don't owe other people is unique.
The Cult of the Nose This read along the same lines as the Therapist. What of the narrative should the reader choose to believe? The narrative itself was spooky with the sinister members of the Cult of the Nose inevitably showing up amid chaos and destruction.
Human Intelligence about an alien spy on earth and the women who finds him out, but also about loneliness and goals and what one should do to achieve them.
Stories A fictionalized autobiography of Moorcock. The first half reads like propaganda for the breaking down of genre barriers, which Gaiman had already given us (and better) in the introduction. The remainder, once he gets down to it, is a character-driven piece about love, loss and betrayal that is well done.
The Maiden Flight of BellerophonI really enjoyed this while I was reading it for the well-drawn characters and the attention to detail (probably one highlight was a character who was obsessed with the flying machine Bellerophon having written the overly laudatory wikipedia article thereon.) However the plot never really came together for me.
The Devil Staircase First of all, the layout (like stairs) is so distracting and not set up correctly with the page breaks. But once I got past that, I found that the central part of the story -- about a man who finds the devil's son, who offers him tempting gifts and who ends up taking a bird who sings when he lies -- interesting and creative. However, the beginning of the story really drags.

Overall, I would say that if, like me, you're picking up this book because you're a Diana Wynne Jones fan, do not do it!
Otherwise, this book is totally worth reading for the contributions from Gaiman, Mosley, Swanwick, Ford, Wolfe, Howard, Deaver and Powers, particularly and several other solid entries.
… (more)
settingshadow | 64 other reviews | Aug 19, 2023 |



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