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Thomas Merton (1915–1968)

Author of The Seven Storey Mountain

355+ Works 32,768 Members 357 Reviews 85 Favorited

About the Author

Born in France, Thomas Merton was the son of an American artist and poet and her New Zealander husband, a painter. Merton lost both parents before he had finished high school, and his younger brother was killed in World War II. Something of the ephemeral character of human endeavor marked all his show more works, deepening the pathos of his writings and drawing him close to Eastern, especially Buddhist, forms of monasticism. After an initial education in the United States, France, and England, he completed his undergraduate degree at Columbia University. His parents, nominally friends, had given him little religious guidance, and in 1938, he converted to Roman Catholicism. The following year he received an M.A. from Columbia University and in 1941, he entered Gethsemani Abbey in Kentucky, where he remained until a short time before his death. His working life was spent as a Trappist monk. At Gethsemani, he wrote his famous autobiography, "The Seven Storey Mountain" (1948); there he labored and prayed through the days and years of a constant regimen that began with daily prayer at 2:00 a.m. As his contemplative life developed, he still maintained contact with the outside world, his many books and articles increasing steadily as the years went by. Reading them, it is hard to think of him as only a "guilty bystander," to use the title of one of his many collections of essays. He was vehement in his opposition to the Vietnam War, to the nuclear arms race, to racial oppression. Having received permission to leave his monastery, he went on a journey to confer with mystics of the Hindu and Buddhist traditions. He was accidentally electrocuted in a hotel in Bangkok, Thailand, on December 10, 1968. (Bowker Author Biography) show less
Image credit: Thomas Merton in Pictures From the archives of the Thomas Merton Center. Used with permission of the Merton Legacy Trust.


Works by Thomas Merton

The Seven Storey Mountain (1948) 4,677 copies
New Seeds of Contemplation (1961) 2,240 copies
No Man Is an Island (1955) 2,201 copies
Contemplative Prayer (1969) 1,432 copies
Thoughts In Solitude (1958) 1,188 copies
The Way of Chuang Tzu (1969) — Author — 1,109 copies
The Wisdom of the Desert (New Directions) (1960) — Author — 1,074 copies
The Sign of Jonas (1953) 694 copies
Life and Holiness (1963) 635 copies
Mystics and Zen Masters (1967) 556 copies
The Ascent to Truth (1951) 501 copies
Seeds of Contemplation (1949) 453 copies
Bread in the Wilderness (1953) 423 copies
The Waters Of Siloe (1949) 423 copies
Praying the Psalms (1956) 399 copies
The New Man (1961) — Author — 395 copies
A Book of Hours (2007) 378 copies
Love and Living (1979) 351 copies
The Silent Life (1957) 321 copies
Opening the Bible (1970) — Author — 308 copies
Disputed Questions (1960) 302 copies
The Living Bread (1956) 295 copies
Raids on the Unspeakable (1966) 251 copies
The Monastic Journey (1977) 237 copies
Seasons of celebration (1965) 166 copies
What Is Contemplation? (1978) 144 copies
Seeds (2002) 136 copies
Seeds of Destruction (1964) 131 copies
The Nonviolent Alternative (1980) 116 copies
He Is Risen (1657) 105 copies
A vow of conversation : journals, 1964-1965 (1988) — Author — 98 copies
Geography of Lograire (1969) 52 copies
Thomas Merton on peace (1971) 46 copies
Emblems of a Season of Fury (1963) 39 copies
A Catch of Anti-Letters (1978) 38 copies
Day of a stranger (1981) 33 copies
Geography of holiness : the photography of Thomas Merton (1980) — Photographer — 27 copies
Silence in Heaven: A Book of the Monastic Life (1956) — Author — 23 copies
Cold War Letters (2006) 21 copies
A Man in the Divided Sea (1946) 20 copies
The Strange Islands (1957) 19 copies
Cistercian life (1974) 19 copies
REDEEMING THE TIME (1965) 18 copies
Figures for an Apocalypse (1947) 17 copies
Silence, Joy (2018) 15 copies
Meditations on Liturgy (1976) 15 copies
Thomas Merton on Zen (1976) 13 copies
La Paix monastique (1957) 12 copies
Vägen till kontemplation (1980) 12 copies
The behavior of Titans (1961) 10 copies
Introductions East & West (1981) 10 copies
Szukanie Boga 5 copies
Kallad till tystnad (2005) 5 copies
Come to the Mountain (1964) 4 copies
Thomas Merton on Prayer (1989) 4 copies
Diarios. 1939-1968 (2014) 4 copies
Listy (1991) 3 copies
Vida i santedat 3 copies
Thirty poems (1944) 3 copies
The Zen revival (1967) 3 copies
Orar Los Salmos (2005) 2 copies
Nativity kerygma (1958) 2 copies
Leggere la Bibbia (2002) 2 copies
Wybór wierszy (1986) 2 copies
A Merton Reader (1974) 2 copies
Humanismo cristiano (2001) 2 copies
Un vivere alternativo (1995) 2 copies
The Thomas Merton Studies Center (Volume One) — Contributor, some editions — 2 copies
Merton 2 copies
Created for Love (1993) 1 copy
O Homem Novo 1 copy
La rivoluzione nera (2016) 1 copy
Cistercian contemplatives / — Author — 1 copy
El Camino monástico (1987) 1 copy
Zeiten der Stille. (1999) 1 copy
Fenelon Letters (1964) 1 copy
Love 1 copy
Nonviolent Alternative (1980) 1 copy
Il monaco 1 copy
Silence (1994) 1 copy
Sedmistupňová hora (2002) 1 copy
Thomas Merton on Love (2007) 1 copy
Pasternak (2019) 1 copy
Duh 1 copy
KONTEMPLATIV B (1987) 1 copy
Hetkien kirja (2014) 1 copy

Associated Works

City of God (0426) — Introduction, some editions — 6,246 copies
Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas (2004) — Contributor — 764 copies
Gandhi on Non-Violence: A Selection From the Writings of Mahatma Gandi (1964) — Editor, some editions — 339 copies
The Portable Sixties Reader (2002) — Contributor — 329 copies
American Religious Poems: An Anthology (2006) — Contributor — 164 copies
Belief: Readings on the Reason for Faith (2010) — Contributor — 143 copies
Saints for Now (1952) — Contributor — 108 copies
Vietnam: Lotus in a Sea of Fire (1967) — Foreword, some editions — 79 copies
Russian Mystics (1976) — Preface, some editions — 71 copies
Gods and Mortals: Modern Poems on Classical Myths (1684) — Contributor — 69 copies
The Prison Meditations of Father Delp (1963) — Introduction, some editions — 62 copies
A Hidden Wholeness/The Visual World of Thomas Merton (1977) — Photographer — 55 copies
Counsels of Light and Love (1953) — Introduction — 52 copies
Angelic Mistakes: The Art of Thomas Merton (2006) — Illustrator — 43 copies
Merton & Buddhism: (The Fons Vitae Thomas Merton series) (2007) — Photographer, some editions — 32 copies
Elsewhere (Poets in the World) (2014) — Translator, some editions — 24 copies
No more strangers (1965) — Introduction — 22 copies
The Analog Sea Review: Number Two (2019) — Contributor — 18 copies
Son of Man: Great Writing About Jesus Christ (2002) — Contributor — 17 copies
Clement of Alexandria Selections from the Protreptikos (1962) — Essay, some editions; Translator, some editions — 12 copies
New World Writing: First Mentor Selection (1952) — Contributor — 11 copies
Non-violence and the Christian conscience (1966) — Preface, some editions — 11 copies
Merton [1984 film] (2004) — Featured — 10 copies
The Analog Sea Review: Number One (2018) — Contributor — 9 copies
The Jaguar and the Moon (1971) — Translator, some editions — 7 copies
Stroker anthology, 1974-1994 (1994) — Contributor — 7 copies
Mansions of the Spirit (1967) — Introduction, some editions — 7 copies
Triquarterly 19 (Fall 1970) For Edward Dahlberg (1970) — Contributor — 4 copies
Palabra de Amor: La búsqueda de la sanación integral (2002) — Contributor — 3 copies
New Directions in Prose and Poetry 33 (2010) — Contributor — 3 copies


anthology (153) Apologetics (127) Augustine (240) autobiography (452) biography (559) Buddhism (168) Catholic (544) Catholicism (567) Christian (376) Christian living (153) Christianity (1,407) Cistercians (129) classics (132) contemplation (388) Devotional (126) essays (144) faith (111) history (216) journal (196) meditation (359) Meditations (142) memoir (265) Merton (1,260) monasticism (747) mysticism (325) non-fiction (767) Patristics (132) philosophy (782) poetry (563) prayer (682) religion (2,260) spiritual life (251) spirituality (2,283) Taoism (159) Theology (1,311) Thomas Merton (939) to-read (893) Trappist (124) Trappists (119) zen (152)

Common Knowledge



I found the first half a simple biography but the second half really focused on Merton's spiritual journey.
Doondeck | 59 other reviews | May 23, 2024 |
FILBO | May 2, 2024 |
Beautiful, insightful little book on the nature of Christian monasticism. Wasn’t sure what to expect when I picked up this book on a whim from my local used book store, other than a dim awareness that Merton wasn’t your typical “Christian” writer. What I found was a book that is partially an explanation of the principles that underlie the monk’s way of life, partially a description of how these principles manifest in various monastic orders.

Even as a non Christian, I could still see the universal significance of the ideas Merton writes about. This is probably because Merton is concerned not only with dogma and liturgy, but how true adherence to the principles of Christian faith manifest in the real world, and how our society as it stands has fallen so far from those principles. You know you are dealing with a real one when Merton decries the way the “totalitarians” and “capitalists” have deformed modern man, or how a monk that pretends to mere bourgeois values can never reach true spiritual purity. Merton recognizes that society as it stands is lacking, and is unsustainable in the long term. The monastic life provides not only the conditions for a closer relationship with god, but also a model for the way man can organize his relationship with his environment, his tools, his work, and his fellow human beings. A monk shares in the work of the cloister, never slacking but also always allowing for plenty of time for contemplation and rest. Mutual aid is a requirement of the communal like style in the cloister, but a monk must always respect the solitude and space of another. A monk is encouraged to take up a creative exploit and devote time to its mastery. A monk lives simply and without extraneous things; the possessions he does own, he treats with the care and dignity befitting tools made to do God’s work.

One might see the monastic lifestyle as meaningless asceticism, a wholesale denial of a big part of what it means to be human; Merton would argue (I think convincingly) that the excision of all unnecessary things makes space for the sliver of human existence that truly makes a life significant, a sliver that has all but been buried by the modern world.
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hdeanfreemanjr | 2 other reviews | Jan 29, 2024 |
Two things in Shannon’s note in this edition propelled me to begin this book. First, Merton may have been a product of or perhaps even drawn to the post Reformation, pre Vatican II arrogance of the Church that led it to promote an exclusionary, limiting interpretation of the Gospels. And what attracts and emboldens him to believe and profess his faith through our shared body of the Church? Second, how does the issuance of a human child ever in our faith get deemed something so horrific as to be revealed only in a “tell-all” version of his life, how can it reasonably be labeled a “disaster” for him and the unmarried women?

I’d like to read a forward written perhaps in the pen of the ‘disastrous’ child. A man, especially a religious one, who avoids the privilege of knowing, acknowledging, and supporting his own blood cannot, in my opinion, be trusted to carry the full message of Christ. No child in a classroom, a boardroom, or the theatre of life would or should ever imagine having to introduce themselves as a bastard, a disaster, a secret, or the unwanted product of a so-called aspiring Man of God. Women, mothers certainly do not and cannot hide from such accomplishments, i.e. bringing a life into this world. So I would call his posture in reference to this child a “social abortion” and no less and perhaps more unfortunate that a bona fide abortion. What is it exactly that is so secret, disastrous, or so shameful about a child born as to warrant being rejected by the Franciscan Order or public opinion or him? This escapes me entirely.

I expect to read in the remainder of Merton’s book of someone who is preoccupied with scrubbing his earthly life dry of the pitfalls of everyday humanness. Why bother? There is no sin so original, after all, other than that of Adam and Eve, that anyone should imagine they have invented, a frailty so novel that they can’t be forgiven or make amends. To run from one’s own ‘failures’ so assuredly while pursuing a Christ-like life, then, it seems to me, is a profound disservice to the gift of being human and accessing the grace of God in the first place.

I’ll update my review. If I can finish his missive. Lord, give me strength.
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NeelieOB | 59 other reviews | Jan 20, 2024 |



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