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Henning Mankell (1948–2015)

Author of Faceless Killers

100+ Works 49,786 Members 1,484 Reviews 176 Favorited

About the Author

Henning Mankell was born in Stockholm, Sweden on February 3, 1948. He left secondary school at the age of 16 and worked as a merchant seaman. While working as a stagehand, he wrote his first play, The Amusement Park. His first novel, The Stone Blaster, was released in 1973. His other works included show more The Prison Colony that Disappeared, Daisy Sisters, The Eye of the Leopard, The Man from Beijing, Secrets in the Fire, The Chronicler of the Wind, Depths, and I Die, But My Memory Lives On. He also wrote the Kurt Wallander series, which have been adapted for film and television, and the Joel Gustafson Stories series. A Bridge to the Stars won the Rabén and Sjögren award for best children's book of the year. He was committed to the fight against AIDS. He helped build a village for orphaned children and devoted much of his spare time to his "memory books" project, where parents dying from AIDS are encouraged to record their life stories in words and pictures. He was also among the activists who were attacked and arrested by Israeli forces as they tried to sail to the Gaza strip with humanitarian supplies in June 2010. He died from cancer on October 5, 2015 at the age of 67. (Bowker Author Biography) show less


Works by Henning Mankell

Faceless Killers (1991) 5,355 copies
The Dogs of Riga (1992) 3,840 copies
The Fifth Woman (1996) 3,336 copies
The White Lioness (1993) 3,168 copies
Sidetracked (1995) 3,026 copies
The Man Who Smiled (1994) 3,001 copies
Firewall (1998) 2,953 copies
One Step Behind (1997) 2,903 copies
Before the Frost (2002) 2,603 copies
The Man from Beijing (2008) 2,452 copies
The Troubled Man (2009) 2,260 copies
Italian Shoes (2006) 1,434 copies
Kennedy's Brain (2005) 1,291 copies
Depths (2004) 1,061 copies
An Event in Autumn (2004) 956 copies
Chronicler of the Winds (2006) 683 copies
The Eye of the Leopard (1990) 611 copies
Tea-Bag (2001) 570 copies
A Treacherous Paradise (2013) 539 copies
Daniel (2000) 462 copies
After the Fire (2015) 415 copies
A Bridge to the Stars (1990) 343 copies
Secrets in the Fire (1992) 245 copies
When the Snow Fell (1996) 232 copies
Quicksand (2014) 209 copies
Daisy Sisters (1982) 205 copies
Shadows in the Twilight (1991) 199 copies
Labyrint (2000) 125 copies
The Rock Blaster (1973) 100 copies
Playing with Fire (2001) 74 copies
The Fury in the Fire (2005) 59 copies
The Cat Who Liked Rain (1992) 50 copies
Kadonneiden miesten metsä (1997) 17 copies
Sagan om Isidor (1984) 10 copies
Der Sandmaler: Roman (1974) 8 copies
Nattens dagar (1999) 8 copies
Le roman de sofia (2011) 6 copies
Der Verrückte: Roman (2021) 6 copies
I sand och i lera (1999) 6 copies
Hugget & Sprickan (2002) 5 copies
Wallanders wereld (2004) 4 copies
Villspor ; Brannvegg (2013) 4 copies
Der Unsichtbare Gegner (2009) 3 copies
Glebia (2017) 2 copies
Eiskalt wie der Tod (2008) 2 copies
2008 1 copy
Tbres 1 copy
Hingura êvarê (2002) 1 copy
Hn̄den 1 copy
Bilderrätsel (2009) 1 copy
Grząskie piaski (2015) 1 copy
Ein Toter aus Afrika (2008) 1 copy
mörderische Trilogie (2001) 1 copy
Brannvegg ; Pyramiden (1998) 1 copy
The Pyramid [abridged] (2005) 1 copy

Associated Works


20th century (173) Africa (301) audiobook (186) crime (2,170) crime fiction (1,461) crime novel (133) detective (793) detective fiction (143) ebook (379) fiction (3,394) Henning Mankell (188) Kindle (230) Krim (220) Kurt Wallander (949) literature (170) murder (325) mystery (3,233) noir (297) nordic noir (146) novel (486) police (246) police procedural (360) policier (232) read (413) Roman (375) Scandinavia (226) Scandinavian (145) Schweden (249) series (240) suspense (157) Sweden (2,732) Swedish (815) Swedish literature (530) thriller (959) to-read (1,292) translated (169) translation (174) unread (165) Wallander (900) Ystad (172)

Common Knowledge



Henning Mankell, RIP in All Writers Considered (October 2015)



Well, as a fan of Nordic noir and as someone who'd enjoyed episodes of the British Wallender TV series, I had expected more from this "classic". But I must say I was put off by Wallander as a person, not because he was flawed, but because I found the writing uncompelling and flat throughout. Mankell writes too frequently in the passive, with not enough dialogue for my tastes. I finished the book, but felt no interest or care whatsoever in its dénouement.

Moreover, I find I am quite sick of the hackneyed misogyny in so many of these male-penned novels. The description of Wallender's relationship with the lead prosecutor, as well as his dreams of the mysterious black woman who comes to his dreams, is quite off-putting and tiresome. It seemed almost expected that he would make a move on her and that she would eventually go to bed with him, although she did not leave her husband. Moreover, we learned nothing about any of the women in this novel, unless they were somehow useful to Wallender in completing some task or another.

I'm fairly sure I will not venture further into any of Mankell's works.
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madgazelle63 | 205 other reviews | Jun 1, 2024 |
My first Wallander, and definitely not my last. I love how terrible his indigestion is, and how he's always tired.

Also I didn’t expect action scenes, and this had action scenes! Pretty nifty!
Amateria66 | 205 other reviews | May 24, 2024 |
Der Chronist der Winde ♦ Henning Mankell | Rezension

Der Chronist der Winde ist ein Buch, welches trotz der traurigen Gewissheit, die sich ergeben wird, voller Hoffnung, Träume und dem Leben gefüllt ist. Diese Erzählung trifft tief ins Herz.

Der Chronist der Winde ♦ Henning Mankell


Jeder Versuch [b:Der Chronist der Winde|951689|Der Chronist der Winde|Henning Mankell|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1477232094l/951689._SY75_.jpg|1952834] in eine Genre-Schublade zu stopfen oder tiefer zu analysieren, ist dazu verdammt, die Unerfahrenheit des Erzählers aufgrund seiner unheimlichen Bildersprache, seiner starken emotionalen Anziehungskraft und seiner ernsthaften Absicht aufzudecken. Diese Geschichte erfordert aufgrund ihrer grenzenlosen Interpretation, legendären Pracht und humanistischen Zielsetzung ein sorgfältiges Lesen und Genießen als einzigartiges literarisches Fest.

Der Roman spielt in Mosambik, wo [a:Henning Mankell|22339|Henning Mankell|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1336761478p2/22339.jpg] als Direktor des Teatro Avenida einen Großteil seiner Zeit verbrachte. Es ist nicht ganz klar ersichtlich, in welcher Stadt wir auf Nelio treffen. Doch ich würde fast vermuten, dass ich in der Hauptstadt Maputo war. Aber natürlich könnte die Geschichte zwischen den Unerwünschten jeder größeren Metropole der Welt erzählt werden, doch sie ist am schmerzhaftesten in der Dritten Welt.

Jose Antonio Maria Vaz, der Erzähler, ist von Beruf Bäcker, bis er auf Nelio trifft, unseren Protagonisten des Buches. Nelio ist ein sterbender 10-jährigen weiser Mann der Straße, der im Laufe von neun Nächten von seinem Leben erzählt. Nelio beginnt seine philosophische Reise mit der Begegnung mit einem „weißen Zwerg“, einer weisen alten Eidechsenfrau und einem betrunkenen Betrüger, nachdem er vor dem Gemetzel und der Zerstörung seinen Dorfes durch Banditen geflohen ist. Außerdem berichtet Nelio davon, dass er im Bauch der kolonialen Reiterstatue einen Schlafbereich ausfindig gemacht hat. Dort trifft er auf eine Vielzahl anderer Straßenkinder, von denen sich einige Seeungeheuer vorstellen, Gemüse mit Dreck in den Taschen anbauen und sich sogar unsichtbar machen können, um in Kaufhäuser und Präsidentenpalast einzubrechen.

Trotz seines jungen Alters und seiner geringen Größe hat Nelio die moralische Autorität, diese Gruppe von Kindern zu führen, während sie darum kämpfen, die schrecklichen Gefahren und unerbittlichen Ungerechtigkeiten auf den üblen Straßen der Metropole zu ertragen. Die Erfahrungen von Nelios Leben und Tod überwältigen den Erzähler ins Mark. So beschließt dieser, seinen Job aufzugeben und sich von da an dem Erzählen von Nelios Geschichte zu widmen.



Mankells realistische Darstellung der Stärke von Nelio und der, der anderen Straßenkinder und deren unverrückbare Fähigkeit zu träumen, zu hoffen und einfach zu leben, hat eine sehr erlösende Wirkung. Dabei vergisst man aber nicht, wie brutal und kurz das Leben sein kann.

This review was first published at The Art of Reading.
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RoXXieSiXX | 22 other reviews | May 20, 2024 |
himself at the Vatican. But for some reason, I just couldn’t get into it.
The Fifth Woman. A Kurt Wallander Mystery, Book 6. Henning Mankell. 1996.
When I downloaded this book, I thought I’d read books in this series before, but I hadn’t. It is similar to all the Swedish Noir” books I read. In this one Wallander is called to the scene of a hideous murder. Before he can get a handle on it, another murder occurs that is just as gruesome. The plot involves his search for connections between the murders. He is also dealing with his relationship with his father and his daughter. And there is a woman too. I really enjoyed the human problems in addition to the complex ins and outs of the murders.… (more)
judithrs | 69 other reviews | May 18, 2024 |



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