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Susannah Cahalan

Author of Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness

3 Works 3,903 Members 173 Reviews

About the Author

Susannah Cahalan has been an investigative reporter at the New York Post for the past ten years. Her work has also been featured in The New York Times, Scientific American, and Glamour UK. She received the Silurian Award of Excellence in Journalism for Feature Writing for the article "The Month of show more Madness," on which this book is based. show less

Includes the name: Cahalan Susannah

Image credit: Susannah Cahalan

Works by Susannah Cahalan


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Common Knowledge

New York, USA
Washington University in St. Louis



Book Review: "Brain on Fire:

"Brain on Fire" by Susannah Cahalan is a gripping memoir that chronicles Cahalan's harrowing journey through a mysterious illness that nearly robbed her of her identity and sanity. With unflinching honesty, Cahalan takes readers on a rollercoaster ride through her descent into madness and her miraculous recovery, offering a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of perseverance, support, and medical innovation in the face of adversity.

Cahalan's narrative is as captivating as it is informative, shedding light on the complexities of autoimmune encephalitis and the challenges of diagnosing and treating such rare and poorly understood conditions. Through her story, Cahalan not only raises awareness about the importance of early detection and intervention but also inspires hope and courage in those who may be facing similar battles.

"Brain on Fire" is a testament to the power of storytelling as a tool for healing and advocacy, offering readers a glimpse into the darkest corners of the human experience while also illuminating the path towards resilience, recovery, and renewal.

Ten Inspirational Lessons from "Brain on Fire":

1. Trust Your Instincts: Susannah's story teaches us the importance of trusting our instincts and advocating for ourselves, even when faced with skepticism or doubt from others.

2. The Power of Persistence: Susannah's relentless pursuit of a diagnosis despite numerous setbacks demonstrates the power of persistence in the face of adversity.

3. The Importance of Support: Susannah's journey underscores the importance of having a strong support system of family, friends, and medical professionals to lean on during difficult times.

4. The Value of Medical Innovation: Dr. Najjar and Dr. Dalamu's innovative approach to diagnosing and treating Susannah's illness highlights the importance of medical innovation in improving patient outcomes.

5. Compassion in Healthcare: Rhonda's compassion and dedication to Susannah's care serve as a reminder of the profound impact that compassionate healthcare professionals can have on patients' lives.

6. The Fragility of Mental Health: Susannah's experience with autoimmune encephalitis sheds light on the complex interplay between physical and mental health and the importance of prioritizing both aspects of wellness.

7. The Resilience of the Human Spirit: Susannah's resilience in the face of unimaginable challenges serves as a source of inspiration for anyone navigating their own journey through illness or adversity.

8. The Importance of Self-Care: Susannah's recovery journey highlights the importance of self-care and prioritizing one's physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

9. Finding Meaning in Suffering: Susannah's journey prompts us to reflect on the meaning and purpose that can be found in suffering, and the transformative power of turning adversity into an opportunity for growth.

10. Hope and Healing are Possible: Above all, "Brain on Fire" reminds us that hope and healing are possible, even in the darkest of times, and that no matter how dire the circumstances may seem, there is always reason to believe in the possibility of recovery and renewal.

Ten Inspirational Lessons From Five Characters:

Susannah Calahan:

1. Trust Your Intuition: Susannah's story teaches us the importance of trusting our instincts and advocating for ourselves, even when faced with skepticism or uncertainty from others.

2. Perseverance Pays Off: Despite numerous setbacks and misdiagnoses, Susannah's perseverance in seeking answers leads to the discovery of her rare condition. Her journey reminds us that persistence is key in overcoming obstacles.

3. Embrace Vulnerability: Susannah's willingness to share her deeply personal story with the world demonstrates the power of vulnerability in fostering connection and understanding.

4. Find Strength in Vulnerability: Susannah's bravery in confronting her illness head-on, despite the fear and uncertainty it brings, serves as a reminder that true strength often lies in vulnerability.

5. Value Support Systems: Susannah's reliance on her family, friends, and medical team underscores the importance of having a strong support system in times of crisis.

6. Seek Knowledge: Susannah's journey highlights the importance of seeking knowledge and understanding about one's health condition, empowering individuals to become active participants in their own care.

7. Embrace Resilience: Susannah's resilience in the face of adversity serves as an inspiration to persevere through life's challenges with courage and determination.

8. Be Open to Change: Susannah's openness to unconventional treatment methods and approaches demonstrates the importance of being flexible and open-minded when exploring avenues for healing.

9. Practice Self-Compassion: Susannah's journey reminds us of the importance of practicing self-compassion and treating ourselves with kindness, especially during times of struggle.

10. Find Meaning in Adversity: Ultimately, Susannah's story teaches us that even in the darkest of times, there can be meaning and purpose found in our struggles. Her journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of hope in the face of adversity.

Susannah’s Mother:

1. Unwavering Support: Susannah's mother demonstrates unwavering support throughout her daughter's illness, showing us the power of unconditional love and dedication in times of need.

2. Strength in Adversity: In the face of her daughter's illness, Susannah's mother displays remarkable strength and resilience, serving as a source of stability and courage for her family.

3. Advocacy for Loved Ones: Susannah's mother advocates fiercely for her daughter's well-being, teaching us the importance of standing up for the ones we love and fighting for their rights and care.

4. Emotional Resilience: Despite the emotional toll of Susannah's illness, Susannah's mother remains steadfast and composed, demonstrating emotional resilience and grace under pressure.

5. Embrace Vulnerability:** Susannah's mother's willingness to share her family's struggles with vulnerability fosters connection and understanding, breaking down barriers and stigma surrounding mental health.

6. **Prioritize Self-Care: Susannah's mother recognizes the importance of self-care amidst the challenges of caregiving, reminding us that taking care of ourselves is essential in order to effectively care for others.

7. Stay Informed: Susannah's mother seeks out knowledge and information about her daughter's condition, empowering herself with the tools and resources needed to navigate the complexities of illness.

8. Trust Instincts: Susannah's mother trusts her instincts as a parent, recognizing when something is amiss and taking action to seek answers and solutions.

9. Find Joy in Small Moments: Amidst the difficulties of Susannah's illness, Susannah's mother finds joy and gratitude in small moments of connection and progress, reminding us to cherish the simple pleasures in life.

10. Hope and Faith: Through it all, Susannah's mother maintains hope and faith in her daughter's recovery, serving as a beacon of optimism and belief in the possibility of healing and renewal.

Dr. Najjar

1. Innovative Thinking: Dr. Najjar's innovative approach to diagnosing and treating Susannah's illness highlights the importance of thinking outside the box and exploring unconventional methods in medicine.

2. Persistence in Pursuit of Answers: Dr. Najjar's persistence in seeking answers for Susannah's condition, even when faced with uncertainty and skepticism, demonstrates the importance of perseverance in medical research and practice.

3. Compassionate Care: Dr. Najjar's compassionate and patient-centered approach to care emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding in the doctor-patient relationship.

4. Collaborative Spirit: Dr. Najjar's willingness to collaborate with other medical professionals and specialists underscores the importance of teamwork and interdisciplinary approaches in healthcare.

5. Advocacy for Patients: Dr. Najjar serves as an advocate for Susannah and other patients with similar conditions, advocating for increased awareness, research, and support for autoimmune encephalitis and other rare diseases.

6. Commitment to Education: Dr. Najjar's dedication to educating others about autoimmune encephalitis and its symptoms helps raise awareness and promote early detection and intervention.

7. Resilience in the Face of Challenges: Dr. Najjar's resilience in overcoming obstacles and setbacks in Susannah's diagnosis and treatment journey inspires us to persevere in the face of adversity.

8. Humility and Openness to Learning: Despite his expertise, Dr. Najjar remains humble and open to learning from his patients and colleagues, demonstrating the importance of lifelong learning and humility in medicine.

9. Empowerment of Patients: Dr. Najjar empowers patients and their families by providing them with information, resources, and support, encouraging them to become active participants in their own care.

10. Hope and Healing: Above all, Dr. Najjar's work embodies the message of hope and healing, reminding us that even in the most challenging circumstances, there is always reason to believe in the possibility of recovery and renewal.

Dr. Dalamu

1. Compassionate Care: Dr. Dalamu exemplifies compassion in his care for Susannah Cahalan, demonstrating the importance of empathy and understanding in the doctor-patient relationship.

2. Holistic Approach: Dr. Dalamu takes a holistic approach to Susannah's case, considering various factors beyond just physical symptoms, such as her mental and emotional well-being.

3. Cultural Sensitivity: Dr. Dalamu's cultural sensitivity in recognizing Susannah's Irish background and its potential impact on her illness emphasizes the importance of considering cultural factors in healthcare.

4. Clear Communication: Dr. Dalamu effectively communicates with Susannah and her family, ensuring they understand her condition and treatment plan, highlighting the importance of clear and open communication in healthcare.

5. Commitment to Research: Dr. Dalamu's dedication to furthering research and understanding of autoimmune encephalitis underscores the importance of ongoing scientific inquiry and innovation in medicine.

6. Advocacy for Patients: Dr. Dalamu serves as an advocate for Susannah and other patients with autoimmune encephalitis, raising awareness and promoting resources and support for those affected by the condition.

7. Collaborative Spirit: Dr. Dalamu collaborates with other medical professionals and specialists to ensure the best possible care for Susannah, demonstrating the importance of teamwork and interdisciplinary approaches in healthcare.

8. Adaptability: Dr. Dalamu remains adaptable and open-minded in considering various treatment options and approaches, recognizing that each patient's journey is unique.

9. Continual Learning: Despite his expertise, Dr. Dalamu continues to learn and stay updated on advancements in his field, highlighting the importance of lifelong learning and professional development.

10. Hope and Optimism: Above all, Dr. Dalamu's work embodies a message of hope and optimism, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, there is always reason to believe in the possibility of healing and recovery.
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Kaianna.Isaure | 155 other reviews | Apr 24, 2024 |
Interesting medical mystery. Horrifying to think others might go through the same thing and be misdiagnosed.
cspiwak | 155 other reviews | Mar 6, 2024 |
Perfectly well written book about an interesting subject that I found somewhat boring.

I bought this because the author was coming to an event at my local bookstore (which I planned to attend but missed due to circumstances) but I might have bought it anyway. The book is about a mysterious neurological illness that overtakes a young woman in her 20s. The ailment is initially mistaken for a psychological issue and the course of her treatment and the discovery of what is ultimately wrong reads much like an episode of Mystery Diagnosis.

I don't know what bothered me about the book. I guess there is too much disparity between the medical stuff (which I like) and the sappy emotional stuff (which I found annoying).

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hmonkeyreads | 155 other reviews | Jan 25, 2024 |



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